Monday, May 16, 2016

"Try Everything" by Miguel Villalobos


                                    "Try Everything"

In a hot day, on sunday my family decided that we should go to the movie theater, we ate breakfast, we dressed up, we got in the car and started driving to amc, we parked the car, and when we got into amc, we decided to watch Zootopia since my brother and sister wanted to watch the movie, we bought popcorn, it smelled delicious, and two big sodas, we got into our seats in the movie theater and the movie theater looked very big, and finally started watching the movie. It was a great movie, and at the end we listened to a song called “Try Everything”, when the song ended my brother and sister seem different, happy and inspired, after the song finished completely we found out that the artist that sang the song was Shakira.Shakira uses rhyme, loaded language and metaphor throughout the song to convey the important message that you should always try new stuff, and  to never give up no matter how many times you fail, just keep trying until you reach your goal.

Ripoll uses allusion, in order to help listeners understand that you should try new things and to never give up. In her opening Shakira immediately dives into messing up but starting over again.Ripoll sings, “Birds don’t just fly/They fall down and get up.” (“Try”5-6). In this line, Ripoll is telling us that when we mess up, we get up and try over again just like the birds.This reveals the theme that you should always try new stuff and to never give up no matter how many times you fail, just keep trying until you reach your goal.By this Ripoll encouroges everyone to never give up.

“I messed up tonight/ I lost another fight / I still mess up but i’ll just start again.” (“Try”1-3).By rhyming “tonight” with “fight” in line 1-2, Ripoll is connecting the idea to messing up(tonight) with the idea of losing the(fight).This reveals the theme that you should always try new stuff and to never give up no matter how many times you fail, just keep trying until you reach your goal.Shakira is telling her listeners that you’re going to fail a lot of times in your life, but shouldn’t give up, Shakira doesn’t gives up so you shouldn’t give up either.For example “I still mess up but i’ll just start again.”

A particular strength of the song “Try Everything” are the lyrics of the song.For example “No i won’t leave/I wanna try everything/I wanna try even though i could fail.” (“Try”19-21).This strengthens the song because Shakira is encouraging her listeners to be confident on themselves like she does.While the song has a powerful message, there’s a weakness on the song, and that is that Shakira didn’t talked about police brutality when police officers were on the entire movie she was involved in, she just gave recommendations instead of focusing in how to help in the movement to stop police brutality or at least other problems like gentrification, but instead she just gave recommendations.

“Try Everything” is an encouraging song that conveys an important message : in order to accomplish something, people should keep trying and to never give up no matter how many times you fail, you learn when you fail, you learn from your mistakes.This song is relevant to my own life because a lot of adults have been telling me to never give up, and to keep trying, and to try new things, not getting stuck in one thing.This topic is important because what most people do when they fail they just give up , but we shouldn’t give up, we should keep trying until we accomplish our goal.I recommend you to listen to the song carefully or read the lyrics of the song, and then work on your life skills to improve them by never giving up no matter how many times you fail and try new things, and learn from your mistakes so you don’t make them again but also take your time; and also share this song so more people can improve too, and make changes for a better life.

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