Monday, May 16, 2016

Perfection by Rahul Bulsara

I was playing basketball on a warm summer day with my brother and cousins. After we played for 10 or 15 minutes, my cousin put on some music. The the volume of the music was all the way full and it was really loud. I was blown away by the lyrics of the song,”Born to hustle/ I’m a product of environment.”
I said to my cousin,” This guy has really good music. Who is he?”
“Tech Nine,” my cousin replies. From that day on he was my favorite rapper for a long time. Tech N9ne’s new album “Sickology 101” just released and many people loved it. Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, he listened to Old School Hip-Hop and that is what influenced him to become a rapper. His message in the song “Dysfunctional” is nobody is perfect. Tech N9ne uses rhyme and symbolism throughout the song to convey the message that nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws.

By using rhyme, Tech N9ne helps his listeners understand that nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws. In his opening verse, Tech N9ne dives right into saying that you have a flaw and that you can’t be perfect. He raps in his song,”Don’t you bring me nothing stupid/ If you don’t want me to lose it”(“Dysfunctional” 2-3). By rhyming “stupid” with “lose it”, Tech N9ne is connecting the idea of someone saying something “stupid” he is going to “lose it” which means that he is going to get mad at you for saying something that doesn’t make sense. This reveals the theme that nobody is perfect by saying that people say things that don’t make sense sometimes.

In addition to using rhyme, Tech N9ne also uses symbolism to convey the message that you aren’t flawless, nobody is. Also in the opening verse he is describing how people can get really mad,”Surrounded by my soldiers/ And they be locked and loaded/ Will explode if you can’t hold us”(“Dysfunctional” 22-24). Tech N9ne uses the symbol of an explosion to represent the things that people say that are rude. This reveals the theme that people aren’t perfect by saying that somebody will get really mad if you say something rude or hurtful.

A particular strength of the song is the theme. He talks about how people have flaws for example,”I’m a little dysfunctional, Don’t you know?/ If you push me, It might be bad/ Get a little emotional, Don’t you know”(“Dysfunctional 34-36)? This strengthens the song because it ties back to the theme by saying he is “dysfunctional” and get “emotional.” A particular weakness of the song is how he doesn’t bring his own experiences into the song for example,” They call me genius I run the show”(“Dysfunctional” 29). This weakens the song because he doesn’t specify who is calling him a “genius.”
In conclusion, Tech N9ne uses rhyme and symbolism in his song to tell his listeners that nobody can be “perfect”, everyone has flaws. This issue is very critical to all of us because everybody tries to be “perfect” when they know they can’t do something that isn’t meant for them. I recommend that everybody should keep trying new things, but if you really can’t do it, don’t do it, it isn’t meant for you. Nobody is perfect.


1 comment:

  1. Nice job putting the lyrics into the intro. You could have formatted the intro paragraph better though, good stuff R&B.
