Monday, May 16, 2016

See You Again by Norshen Louy

I remember sitting in the living room with my family watching “ Fast & Furious 7”. I  had a really good time with my family watching that movie. When the movie was done, a song popped out and that is when i got introduced to the song “See you again”. It was really sad in the end of the movie because an amazing american actor died which was Paul Walker. So that was the last movie for him to be in. It was really sad when all the actors in the movie walked up to the camera and that they were really sad because of paul walkers death. So i really started crying because my favorite american actor died. So that is when i got introduced to the song “See you again”.

Wiz khalifa is an american rapper who made or wrote the song “See you again”. He is 28 years old and he was born in september, 8, 1987. Wiz’s parents divorced when he was 3 years old. His hometown was in Pittsburgh. Wiz married Amber Rose in july, 8, 2013. Rose is now 32 years old which means she is older than him by 4 years. He has son and a granddad that is muslim. Also wiz genre is hip hop music. Charlie Puth is an american singer who also was a singer in “see you again”. Also he is a songwriter and arranger. Charlie puth was born in december, 2, 1991 which mean he is 24 years old. He lived in Rumson, New Jersey. His dad is german and his mom is Jewish. His sister's name is Mikaela Puth and his brothers name is Stephen Puth. He plays the piano and vocals. His genre is pop music. He is also a record producer.

Wiz Khalifa Uses loaded language and allusion throughout the song to convey a really strong message and also important that always treat people well because you will never know when they will be gone.

By using allusion, Wiz Khalifa help his listeners understand that you always treat people well and with respect because you will never know when they will be gone or pass out.

By using allusion, Wiz Khalifa help his listeners to understand that you have to always treat people well and with respect because you never know when they will be gone. In his song, Wiz immediately dives into some words in the bible to let everyone know how Paul Walker was important to him and also everyone, ”And every road you take, will lead you home, home, home”("see"#8). In this line, Wiz compare home to heaven in order to show that walker was a lovely person and that he really went to heaven and not to hell. This reveals the theme that you always have to treat people well because you'll never know they will be gone because with that almost all people were lovely to Paul walker because he were a really nice and respectful person.

By using loaded language, Wiz Khalifa tries  to put more meaning into the word that is actually saying so the people can understand that they have to treat people well because you will not know when they will be gone. In this quote he dives into how the lawful never be broken between him and and and Paul Walker, “And what small turn to friendship, a friendship turn to a bond and that bond will never be broken, the love will never get lost”.(#6). Wiz Khalifa uses the phrase “the love will never get lost” which means the love between them will not be broken and that everybody will keep loving paul walker, to convey a Wiz Khalifa sad attitude toward losing a friend. This all reveals the theme or the message that always treat people well or with respect  because you will not know when they will be gone which mean they might pass away because Wiz and other people will keep loving him forever. This is a really good theme and it is really strong.

Something that makes the song “See You Again” strong is it’s lyrics. Wiz Khalifa uses rhyme in his song to convey his message or theme. For example, in paragraph 2, he says “Damn, who knew? / All the planes we flew”. ( “ See ”#2 ). There is a rhyme in the last line of of these words. This technique makes this song stronger because it gives a rhythm to the song, and it makes the song more interesting so people can listen to it.

Something that makes the song “See You Again” weak is it’s vidio. Wiz and Charlie should’ve put some people crying in the video. For example, they couldn’t have some people crying while they were singing. That technique makes the song really weak. So if they had people crying in the video, the video would’ve been more strong and better to watch.

“See You Again” is an important song that conveys a really strong message to all people: Always treat people well or with respect because you never know when they will be gone. This reminds me of when some people don’t treat some people how they wanted to be treated and so the person pass out. Wiz Khalifa raps about the big relationship he and all people have with Paul Walker and also how they lost a lovely friend. This topic  is really important because losing a friend can be really hard because if you lose a friend you would kind of be lonely and just be bored for the rest of your life. And so that is why this topic is really, really important. I recommend that everybody listen to this song so they can get a really good message from it. So my point is that I recommend this song to almost everyone on Earth.

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