Tuesday, May 17, 2016

All things go by Cathia Gallardo

One day I come to school and and all my friends are listening to super bass by Nicki Minaj and they are just talking about how catchy the song is .So what I did as act like i knew the song since I didn’t wanna seem stupid and that was something I always did most of the time. So as soon as I got home I searched the song up and listened to the song a couple times and I really enjoyed it so I just started listening to more of her music .

The theme of all things go by Nicki Minaj is that time passes quick and we have to take the chances. Nicki also wrote about all the challenges she had to face.Nicki Minaj uses a lot of symbolism through her song to convey her message . NIcki Minaj was born on December 8,1982 but her actual name she  was given when she was born was Onika Tanya Maraj. Her music is hip hop and pop.

When Nicki Minaj used symbolism Nicki Minaj help us understand that time passes fast and we have to take the aprotunities in life and that no matter what challenges u have to got through you still have to keep your head up.In the chorus when it said,”We wake up and do it all again”(20). Nicki uses the symbol of waking up and doing it all again to represent That you start all over again and you just continue with your life because life only lasts for a amont of time not forever. This reavels the theme that you have to stay strong and face the challenges no matter how much you’re struggleing in life and that we have to take the chances you are given because then its gone and you might regret it.

Nicki Minaj also used metaphors to compare life to a movie  together  explaining that's is worth it but “never a sequel”.When the song said,”life is a movie but there never be a sequal”(6). Nicki is talking about how you have to enjoy and be appreciative of what life has been giveing you because it’s the only life you are gonna be given and just try to enjoy life. Because after life you die it’s over you aren’t gonna have another life their isn’t gonna be “sequal”

In the song All thing go by Nicki Minaj one strength is when she said,”rock with people for how they make me feel not what they give me”(49). This is a strength of the song because she is sending you a message that surround yourself with people that actually care about you and if u just surround yourself with people that don't care about you but give lots of things they might not be there when you actually need them. Nicki talks about 2 things in the song she talks about the things she had to face and also about how life has its amount of time and there isn’t another chance afterlife is over so you have to enjoy it because it goes quick. And this part of the song is a strength because it talks about how she is as a person and how that probably affected her in her life at some point and it also  is talking about time in a way because she talking about how she’s not gonna waste her time with people that don’t care.

A part that is weakening is when Nicki said,”I had to reinvent ,I put the v in vent I put the heat in vents” (1-2) his is weakening because it has nothing to do with the topic of what she is writing about like her struggles or about life passing by fast. Nicki didn’t say anything about her 2 topics she was singing about something that doesn’t really support anything.

All things go is a song that makes you think about your life and how you have to keep on going and also remember that things happen for a reason.This song reminds me of how sometimes I have those days that are just not as good as others and I might be going through some rough times and I just have to move on forward.   recommend this song to people that like songs that help them through their hard times instead of music that makes you feel bad this song motivates you in a way.



  1. Glow: you were very descriptive
    Grow: you should have added a video

  2. GLOW: You were very descriptive through out the essay
    GROW: You should´ve added a video apart from that the essay was pretty good
