Monday, May 16, 2016

''History'' by Daniela Blancas

When I started liking One Direction was when my cousin was obsessed with them and she
showed me two of their songs.   When she showed me the song it was during summer.   I
remember the song was “Live While You're Young” and “What Makes You Beautiful” i sorta liked
the song.  And so i search for more of their songs.   So then i started listening to One Direction
music so that's how i like One Direction now because their music makes me feel happy, excited
when i listen to their songs.

On the song History One Direction is talking about their their
memorize they've made ever since they became a band for 5 year and how everyone will still
remember them even if they aren't together no more because they've been together through
through the past 5 years since simon cowell had an idea of putting them as a band and the
members of One Direction are Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne.  One of
their old member was Zayn Malik because he felt like One Direction wasnt him so thats why
Zayn left the band.

One Direction uses loaded language throughout the song to convey the
important message that to value your time with your friends and remember all the good
memorize you've made with your friends.   And to value the time you have with your friends.   And to never forget your friends,even if you had a fight you can fix the problem.   All friends fight but you can fix the problem and keep making memorize.

By using Allusions, One Direction helps there listeners understand that you must value your time, memorize you've made with your friends. In their opening verse one direction immediately tells how they think that they are going to leave this all behind Harry says “You Gotta Help Me I'm Losing My Mind Keep Getting The Feeling You Wanna Leave This All Behind .( Behind 6-7)   In this line One Direction reveals the theme that to value your memorize with your friends and to never forget what you and your friends have been through together.   One Direction is able to select a strong positive reaction, promoting his listeners to value your memorize that you've made with your friends.

One Direction uses rhyme to help convey his message that to never forget all the memorize you've made with your friends.   And to value your time with your friends.   Also they talk about how they had some good and bad things that happens to them but they “Always make it out alive” saying that they had some fights but they somehow fix the problem and every things okay.       This shows that all friends fight and you can fix the problems that happen because friends are important.

I was particularly impressed by One Direction because the song was describing what they what they had when singing the song.   An example of this is when One Direction says “ Mini Bars, Expensive Cars, Hotel Rooms, New Tattoos, and Good Champagne, And Private Planes, But they don't mean anything cause the truth is out, I realize that without you here life is just a lie“ This strengthens the song by singing that all those expensive cars and hotel rooms don't mean anything without their friends because what matters the most is their friendship and not all those fancy expensive stuff.

“History” is a song that conveys a critically important message to listeners to value their memorize they've made with their friends .   This is relevant to my own life  because i'm going to graduate so i won't see most of my friends so i have to value the time i have left with my friends before we graduate.   Liam also sings about all the rumors and the fights they've had .   This topic is important because i know that all friends fight  and also famous people fight and people make many rumors about people.   I recommend that to value your time you have with your friends and to appreciate all the memorize you've made with your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dani,so when i was reading your essay a glow i have is that you really have a great One Direction information on knowing them,a grow is that maybe you can have a little bit of more information on your paragraphs about the song.
