Monday, May 16, 2016

fronteamos por que podemos by anderson aguilar

                               “Fronteamos por que podemos”

The first time I heard this song was In my brother’s car. When we were in downtown we always like to put music out so loud because that we like all the people to listen what we are listening  what we are listening to. II really like this song because It has a strong message. When I was listening to this song I feel like somebody is encouraging me and I like when people encourage me because you feel very good very important I don’t have words to that. I have a connection to this song because when I was in my country I i was kind of broke because I didn’t’ have a lot of money, but now I’m here but that doesn’t means that I i have a lot of money but I have something to eat and to wear not like when  was in my country.

               Nengo Flow, De La Ghetto,  Yandel they are from Puerto Rico and the genre is regueton they choose to sing reggaeton  because they don’t want to be in bad things for example in gangs etc. some of them they were in gangs but now they only do drugs. This song is about when they were poor and when they didn’t have a lot of money. When they start to sing they were like 16 years old they kept fighting to become who they are so now they have a lot of money and different cars. Nengo Flow Daddy Yankee Yandel and De La Ghetto  help us understand that theme that we should never give up and they uses different advises and one of them is rhyme and symbolism.

                De la ghetto by using symbolism  De la ghetto Nengo flow Yandel,  Daddy yankee helps it listeners make the song more interesting to listen to. In this song De La Ghetto immediately explain dives to how they have a lot of money and what they do. “Carros lujosos tenemos prendas dobladas tenemos hacemos lo que queremos y no te sorprendas como lo hacemos aki fronteamos porque podemos” In this line De la ghetto he is saying  says that they do whatever they want because they can. This reveals  the theme that Don’t give up so you can have whatever they want because we should keep going and reach our goal because everything
is possible.

                  De la ghetto, Nengo Flow, Daddy Yankee,Yandel by using rhyme. De La Ghetto And  Yandel make the song more strong sounds like when you get use to something. Wwhen you are listening  to this he song one time  you keep listening the same one over and over “carros lusos tenemos prendas dobladas tenemos hacemos lo que queremos y no preguntes ccomo lo hacemos” by rhyming “tenemos’’ and “queremos” Yandel is connecting what professional  people do and what normal people have. This reveals the theme that don’t give up by not putting your head down. If someone is professional is because they work hard and try their best If you
don’t give up maybe you can have whatever you want because you earn it by putting your effort.

               What makes this song most effective is when the singers start rapping
Se sorprende por la suma
Que cargamos dinero la
Cantidad de sienes que
Multiplicamos en el juego
Los miro desde arriba
Y aun que quieren tocar la
Cima primero los mata su ego  
This makes the song strong because it explains what they do and they have.
A particular weakness of the song is when they sing slow for example
Un soldado callejero ese
Soy yo haciendo mucho dinero
Tu quien ere nadie sabe porque no lo haces como yo  (#4)
 This doesn’t make sense because what he is  saying like change the whole conversation like he talks a different thing when the other one are singing another thing.

                This song connects with all over the world because a lot of people don’t know what their future is going to look like or how is going to be. In conclusion Ii think that this is a good song because it talks about good thing not bad things. I recommend this song to people who likes Regetton and happy music.  

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