Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"Little Me" by Aranzazu Robles

In 2013 I was just in my room watching music videos on youtube because I was really bored and then there was this video that I have never watched and I didn’t know who Little Mix where so I listened to their song “Change Your Life”. I really liked it but then that was the last time I heard their music then after one year past I was watching youtube again I saw that Little Mix had a new music video called “Move” I listened to it then I started listening more to their songs and their songs had a powerful meaning for their fans to know and their music always had me dancing around my house and I never did that while listening to other songs but with their music it makes me feel like having a dance party with my sister which I do when my mom isn’t there but if I didn’t know them i would have been bored every day without listening to their songs.

When Little Mix were younger they were afraid about what might happen in the future and they are all insecure about what may happen and also about themselves and their inspirations to write their music it was the “Spice Girls” their music showed so many messages to their fans like to be confident in themselves and to keep their heads up threw everything that is happening through life because you can get threw it, and Little Mix write songs that are pop music, contemporary R&B, and hip hop that have a message for their fans to know what they want them to know.

Little Mix uses rhymes in their song to convey the message that they want for people to know what it is they are talking about in their songs and to send a message to everybody about stuff happening in real life and instead of telling them they are writing songs to convey what they want their fans to know from their songs to them.

Little Mix uses Allusion by telling their fans about how they were when they were little and on how they would want to let them know that even when you’re younger you tend to be like “How would our future look like ?” and also “What if people think that what I choose to be my future people would try to change it’’, because in the song it said “I’d tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out, talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder, tell her she’s beautiful, wonderful, Everything she doesn’t see”. (Little Me, 4). This reveals the theme that you can be anything you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak your truth while nobody is listening to your opinion because what they are saying is if people don’t find you as a powerful person then they don’t know what is a powerful person because a powerful person is somebody who is trying to be proud of themselves and trying to know if they should speak up for what they  want because no person would even listen and when they speak they want everybody to listen on what they are going to say when that person doesn’t even listen to other people opinion about something.

Little Mix also uses a lot of rhyme in their music to convey their message on you can be anything, you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak you truth while nobody is listening to your opinion in the first verse it’s talking about a girl who is always talking but everybody is ignoring her and maybe she feels lonely on why people don’t listen to what she is saying because in the song it says “She lives in a shadow of a lonely girl/voice so quiet you don’t hear a word/ always talking but she can’t be heard” (“Little” 1). By rhyming “word” and “heard” they were connecting about how when somebody is listening to you you don’t say it as confident as you want to say it, but when you do say it nobody listens to you and so then you just stay quiet and feel like nobody would be listening to what you have to say. This reveals the theme that you can be anything, you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak your truth while nobody is listening to your opinion because they are talking about how it’s like to talk to somebody about something and feeling like nobody listens to you and you just feel lonely that nobody notices you or even listens to what you have to say so you just stay quiet.

Little Mix in their songs convey different types of message to their fans in “Little Me” because not everyone knows what might happen in the future and what you choose to do in the future and also that you have to do something from what other people want you to do and to speak your own truth and nobody has to tell you what to do because in the song it says “Wish I knew back then/ what I know now / wish I could somehow/ go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice.” (Little Me 3). And this reveals that they have a message for their fans on how Little Mix wished they knew what they tell girls from when they were younger.

In conclusion, the song “Little Me” conveys a message to the people who listen to their  song to speak up for their truth and even if nobody would listen to your truth and be brave enough to say your opinion and to not worry about things in the future and Little Mix wished they knew about the advice they give people to help them out while growing.(T to W) Little Mix message in the song reflects to what is happening now with girls on how nowadays because no girl now says that they are beautiful and also that young girls are always trying to figure out their future, and that they will always be talking about their opinion about something and nobody would be listening to what they want to say.So this song talks about girls and what they want to do in the future and they never feel good about themselves and is always thinking about what may happen in the future.


  1. I think that you did a great job of making this article personal. However, you were also repeating yourself a little bit.

  2. I think that you did a great job of making this article personal. However, you were also repeating yourself a little bit.

  3. i liked how u explained the message of the song.One grow is to use more descriptive language

  4. One glow is youre anictodec i like it . One glow is uses more descriptive words
