Monday, May 16, 2016

Jon Bellion: All Time Low - Andres Garcia

I was laying down in bed in a Friday evening watching a Nordan Shat vlog. A well known trickshotter in the Call of Duty community. I was watching his vlog & he shout-out Jon Bellion. So I was hooked because his outro song was the verse of his song All Time Low. I thought the song the song was alright, & thought to myself I should listen to the song myself. I immediately thought it was a good song. Jon Bellion born Jonathan ‘Jon’ Bellion was born December 26, 1990 in Long Island, New York. Bellion says that the person who really motivated him to make music was Kanye West. Jon Bellion makes Hip-Hop or Indie Rock to even Blues. In April 14, 2015 his song “All Time Low” got picked #1 in the billboard charts. Jon Bellion uses two metaphors & a simile to explain the theme that love can drive you crazy.

By using metaphors, Jon Bellion helps us understand the theme that love drives you crazy. In the first verse he says “I was the knight in shining armour in your movie” He’s comparing to himself and a knight. To show how he fought for her and saved her. The reveals the theme that love drives you crazy by showing how much he is down for her by risking his own life for his ex-girlfriend. In this verse Jon Bellion explains how much he loves her.

Another example of my theme is when Jon Bellion uses simile. Jon Bellion is helping us understand the theme love drives you crazy. In this verse Jon Bellion explains how much loves her. For example, “I was the prototype like 3 stacks on that CD”. Bellion is comparing the prototype to the CD in order to show he was the original version over an of her girlfriends exes. This reveals the theme by showing how love drives you crazy. And how his ex is willing to replace an original copy to the cloned copy.

What really makes my song powerful and strong is when Jon Bellion describes how he calls his ex girlfriend’s home and she acts like she doesn’t care at all. For example “Now I’m a ghost, I call your name, you look right through me”. This gives my song a boost by using metaphors to describe what’s happening to his one and only love.

In weakness of the song could be the tone of how Jon Bellion sings his song. I think if Bellion didn’t sing the song so low pitched and if he sounded happier with his normal voice to show in reality how much he liked her instead of sounding regretful and sorry

It’s clear that the song “All Time Low” by Jon Bellion is an encouraging song to tell the theme love drives you crazy. This context reminds me of when my friend was sad because his crush used to not like him. And he would always talk to me about her and how much dearly he cared about her. I think you guys should take your love to your crush and ask them out. Or when they’re heart and also take advantage they’re with you. Because someone may end up sad and heartbroken.


  1. Totally agree watching Nordan Shat

  2. I'm pretty sure he was referring to André 3000 when he said "prototype like 3 Stacks on that CD".

  3. I'm pretty sure he was referring to André 3000 when he said "prototype like 3 Stacks on that CD".
