Monday, May 16, 2016

"See you again" by Karen De Leon

One day I went with my family to the cinema and we were about to see the fast and furious 7, we were so excited when it started we were so happy, but at the end of the movie I already knew that Paul Walker has just died and his brother was making his role in the film, so at the end of the film was added a music called “ See you again” by Charlie Puth and this song was in charge of the soundtrack for the action movie 2015  Furious 7 as a tribute to the deceased  Paul Walker.This song makes me mourn, and makes me mourn because it is friendly and it's sad but I realized that with the music they were showing how much they wanted and appreciated Paul Walker, I was with my BFF and while listening to her was eager I have a friendship like that with my "bff" that will last forever, I mean my friend is no longer my friend, but in my heart I feel I'm missing a piece of heart within me because now remember everything we've been through and although she is not with me, I will never forget. Now that I hear this song reminds me every moment that passes beside her and it's sad because for comments people stop being "BFF" and we get mad at each other we could not deal with it. This song hurts me because now that she's with another girl and she is making a new friend. I can connect this piece of the song to one of the memories I have with it is the piece of the song was

  “So let light guide your way, yeah
Keep all the memories as you go
And every path you take, always take home, home.” (46/48)

This piece of the song reminds me of a time with my "BFF" she said, she would always remember all the things we did together, jokes in my house and all the sleepover we did, but I realized that was not true friendship because if our friendship had been true were still together and not separate as now. But I agree with the message and also dedicate this song to her to remember our friendship and do not forget all things together no matter if it was not a true friendship were friends and that is never forgotten.

Charlie Puth exploded into the music scene on March 10, 2015. He was burn on december 2, 1991 in Rumson New Jersey and he is an american singer. One of his favorite quotes he likes to said is “ I don’t love the Hollywood mentality, but I do love the weather and how motivates everyone is around here, It motivated me to make fun music. He got his big big break when his song “ See you again” with an American rapper Wiz Khalifa, became a worldwide sensation after the release of Furious 7. His first album was called “ Nine track.” When Charlie Puth was little he make a youtube channel, hosting comedy videos and acoustic covers but now that he is 24 years old and he already got his big break with his song “See you again.”

Charlie Puth uses symbolism and rhyme throughout the song to convey the important message that people will never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever.

By using symbolism, Charlie Puth helps his listeners understand that people will never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever. In his opening worse Charlie Puth immediately dives into what they went through with his friend, he poses the question  

“Damn who knew?
All the planes we flew” (7/8)

In this line, Charlie Puth is using the symbolism of a plane to make the idea of how their moments were. This revels the theme that people will never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever by pointing how their friendship was and describing them.

Charlie Puth also uses rhymes to help convey his message that people never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever. In the second verse, he turns his  attention to his friendship with the guy that die and relize that he was always by his side and now he relizes that he is not with him anymore and he says he is not going to be with him for the last ride. But sometimes people don’t take care of what they have until they lose that person that was always by your side helping you and supporting you to keep going on and never give up for any circumstances. He uses rhyme in the piece of the song where it says

“How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride.” (20/22)

By rhyming “my side” and “last ride” Charlie Puth is connecting the idea of taking care of people you have in your side with the idea that if you don’t take care of them time is going to run out and it is going to be late for you to regret.This revels the theme that people will never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever. Instead of being doing something else you should take care of that person because they will last forever in your heart and you will never forget them.

The greatest strength of the song “See you again” is the power and reflectiveness of its message. Charlie Puth uses symbolism “planes we flew” to drive home his overall message, for example when he says “planes we flew “ he is talking about all things they did and he is using the plane to describe those things. This strengthness the song because it is describing what they did like and airplane and also what they did.

“See you again” is a friendship song that conveys a critically important message to his listeners: people will never be forgotten and a true friendship will last forever. This song connected powerfully with my own experience, because when I was in my country I had a friendship, with a girl that was so nice we always spent time together, but one day her family decided to move to another country and I never saw her again but I still have our memories, all things we did together and also I will never forget them even though we don’t see our faces. Charlie Puth message is relevant today because in many high schools and middle schools there are still some friendships among students and it’s more between girls. In middle school some girls have their friends but they always have a friend that is always helping them and they consider them as their “bff” but when they get to 8th grade they don’t know what school they are going to be put on and if they chose the same schools to go their parents sometimes don’t like it and they want their childrens to go to different schools and what is best for their childrens, Well in some cases is like that, I recommend you to spend more time with your friends because you don’t know what can happen to that person you really love and is part of your life.  

1 comment:

  1. Great Essay, Next time look for punctuation! :)
