Monday, May 16, 2016

¨Man In The Mirror¨ - Jordan

Image result for picture of michael jackson
It was a normal day at school when we had to find a song write a review about, then I asked Ms. Carnes for a song,but she didn't give me a song because she wanted me to try to find a song that I liked. I wasn't a fan of music so I didn't find a song to work on and then i asked her again the next day and she introduced me to the song “Man In The Mirror” I never heard about that song so when I got home I listened to it and i got to know what Michael Jackson was trying to say by using examples of problems we see today for example, you can see homeless with no money to eat. Michael Jackson says that we should not just see these types of problems and not do anything but, try to change the way we see these problems and and try to change them.

Michael Jackson born in 1958 and died in 2009 wanted change in the world so, he put this message in his song “Man In The Mirror”. Michael Jackson put these messages in his songs because he didn't like the problems that he saw in the street, an example of this is when he says there are people within the streets with not enough to eat. Michael Jackson uses devices like allusions and rhyme in the song “Man In The Mirror” to show that you have to look at the world in a different way and if you see something that is wrong you should try to change it. This song shows that you should change yourself and then you can make a change.

Michael Jackson uses rhyme to convey his message change yourself and then you can change the world.Michael Jackson focuses his attention from wanting to change the world to actually showing an example of a problem by saying that there's people in the street with not enough to eat. People see this problem and don't know what impact they would do to the people in need if they just offered to help them.

Michael Jackson uses allusions to convey his message that you have to change yourself and then you can make a change. In his song ”Man In The Mirror” he says that you have to change yourself and then you can change the world for instance, in the song he says “I'm starting with the man in the mirror/(ooh?)/I'm asking him to change his ways. (Change his ways-ooh!)/And no message could have been any clearer/If you wanna make the world a better a better place/(If you wanna make the world a better place)/Take a look at yourself and make that/(Take a look at yourself and then make that...)/Change!”(“Man”13-20). This quote from his song says that if you want to make a change you have to change yourself and then you can change the world.

One of the many strengths in the song “Man In The Mirror” is that the song says a lot  about changing yourself to make a change. A real life example of this is that when you're walking by the street and you see a homeless person in need and you would just see them and walk away. Michael Jackson says that he wants change in the song. If you changed yourself you would not look at the homeless person and leave, what you would is that you would see the homeless and help them out with food or  maybe somewhere to sleep(possibility). Michael Jackson states this problem when he says “I see the kids in the street,/with not enough to eat/who am I,to be blind?/not to see/Their needs.”(“Man” 9-13).Michael Jackson also says more problems homeless have when he says,”I've been a victim of a selfish/kind of love/it's time that i realize/That there are some with no/Home,not a nickel to loan.”Michael Jackson states that he wants change when he says”I'm starting with the man in/the mirror/i'm asking him to change/his ways/and no message could have/been any clearer/if you wanna  make the world/a better place/(if you wanna make the world a be/world a better place)/Take a look at yourself,and/then make a change/(Take a look at yourself,and/then change)”Man” 23-36). These things strengthen the song because they support the theme of the song and we know that Michael Jackson wanted change in the world.

As you can see”Man In The Mirror.” by Michael Jackson is saying that the problems in that we see today should be changed. Michael Jackson also says that we see these problems but take no action. This song reminds me of when I was a smaller person I didn't like to see anything that was going wrong because I would try to fix it. This is an important matter in society because people today suffer from hunger and don't have somewhere to live and this song talks about changing the way you see things and actually try doing something about it. I would recommend this song to people that like songs that are old and have a good message.This song helps people realize that they have to help people in need and not just walk away and not say anything. I also recommend this song to people that like Michael Jackson and listen to pop music that have a slow tempo. I suggest that next time you see someone in need to help them out.

1 comment:

  1. one glow is that you wrote your devices well.
