Monday, May 16, 2016

Money For Luxury by Stella White

I was first introduced to the song Luxury was the time I was walking home from school  listening to Jon Bellion's album.  I found myself in love with his hit song All Time Low that had a really good beat and message. While listening to Luxury, the lyrics brought me back to a time in Hawaii where I became friends with a girl named Ava. I had no idea that her mom was the president of FOX making her a millionaire of FOX movie studio! But thinking about it, It was best I didn't know about her fame so that I was friends with her for her being herself and not for money and fame. It was healthier for our friendship because we were friends at a time where we payed little attention to money and even if our class was far from the same, We were happy.

Jon Bellion is an artist who writes music where he creatively mixes pop, R&B, hip hop, indie rock, and blues. He grew up on Long island New york and later enrolled into a music program at Five Town college where he graduated. He being passionate about music and performance began to pursue his talent. He found great inspiration from Timbaland, Pharrell Williams,Tupac, Jadilla, and Eminem. The main two songs that brought attention to Jon Bellion are “ The Monster” and “Ungrateful Eyes”. On September 22, 2014 Jon Bellion released a song called Luxury which is part of his album “The Definition.”   Jon Bellion uses Allusions and Rhyme throughout his song to illustrate the important message that in order to live a happy, healthy, and free life you must remind yourself to forget about working yourself too hard for money and fame and live in the present with a lifestyle that suits you.

By incorporating rhyme into the song Luxury, It helps enforce the fact that you cannot always feel happiness from money and fame and it’s unhealthy to think that. In the opening verse, Bellion pleads to not allow money and fame control him. He demonstrated this when he sings, “ My plane is boarding soon and it’s so plain to see that one could lose his way so could you pray with me that I don’t lose my soul in the Luxury?” In this line Bellion stresses how once you have it “all” as in fame and money you still need to be careful about drowning in the luxuries of fame such as partying, sex, and feeling glamorous because it can bring you down in the end. Leaving you feeling guilty and unhappy.

Jon Bellion also infuses allusions in Luxury to help his listeners understand the dangers of allowing money and fame consume you or drown you in it’s Luxurys. He demonstrates this through his pre-chorus, “But I give it up to heaven cuz it isn’t Jon, The chorus and instrumental oh you think it’s odd? I don’t have to give you lyrics cause I know it’s God, That’s why I get emotional when the chorus drops.” This line is essential to understanding the message because Bellion sings how him being happy with his music and his use of unique instrumentals is priceless in spite of the luxury and happiness that come with money and fame, from his experience. Along with his truthful messages in his lyrics, Bellion pairs an effective music video to his song! He does this by symbolizing one of his lines “ Money the jealous type I knew she’d come around if I only sweat the music” as monsters chasing him and trying to make him fall for the glamour of being rich and famous. By doing this he is strategically teaches society that focusing on money, fame, sex and partying is a problem today especially for teens growing up exposed to hit songs that focus on this as a source of happiness when in reality it can mess you up.

To conclude, Luxury is a fresh song that can motivate you with it’s exotic and unique instrumentals and lyrics that come from a new perspective. There are songs out their created by great artists like Jon Bellion that should be played on the radio more often along with the catchy but non influential songs played today on the radio to balance out our way of thinking about the choices we make in our life. Music is an anecdote for mostly everyone, Meaning just the lyrics, instrumentals and music video can bring courage and motivation to many, it just depends on the kinds of messages we use in our songs and put  out their that lead to our society's choices that will change our world.

1 comment:

  1. Glow- I like how you used transition words and I like the song.
    Grow- Maybe should've added a picture of him?
