Monday, May 16, 2016

a person like the sun should always stay bright by gabriela gomez


Bright is a song that stood out to me one night while I was doing my homework and listening to spotify. I don’t know why but i have this weird habit of doing something and listening to music,I never listen to the words only the rhythm,but one day i was doing my work as i told you.This wonderful song came up the song title read bright the rhythm was,jazzy and so nice,it was calm, and not like the heavy metal i always play with aranza.I started listening to it more and more enough for me to memorize the words,i never thought a song so amazing existed like this.

Kehlani is a oakland singer her birthday is in april 24,1995 her birth sign is taurus she started taking dance classes in oakland school for the arts ,she later settled in Los Angeles.Kehlani’s father died when she was young.Her Aunt decide to helped raise her,she currently is 21 years old,she is part of the HBK gang,one thing i admire is that she never gave up in what she wanted and she strived for better and made it, she had confidence in herself.

By using rhyme,kehlani wants her listeners to understand that you don’t have to have a certain way just to be someone’s friend. In her song she added “she says”i don’t look like them”i don’t look like her”and i don’t want what’s on my head”by rhyming “i don’t look like them”with “i don’t look like her”kehlani is connecting it with a girl who is trying to fit in but she feels different.This reveals the theme that you don’t have to have a certain shape and you are unique

Another powerful way,kehlani uses simile to help convey her message that you have to love yourself in order for people to love you in the chorus.She is sending a message to the world that don’t reject yourself ”a woman like the sun should always stay bright kehlani is comparing a woman to the sun in order to show that a sun is bright and never lets nothing stop it.this reveals the theme that somebody will come to your life and love you just the way you are because a woman is meant to be happy and never put down

I was particularly impressed by the way kehlanis tone.Her tone was placid and lethargic throughout her song.For instance “little boy sitting by the bleachers staring at,at his dirty sneakers thinking my shoes don’t shine money is tight, i would never get a date but baby boy thats not what it takes.this strengthens the song because her tone make it much better,and its effective

Although kehlani uses a good tone,a particular weakness of the song is the strategically lyrics she wrote,that doesn’t give a lot of visual.she is not that much descriptive .this is evident when “young woman reading magazines/thinking to herself,nobody looks like me”this weakens the song by not giving detail how they the models in the magazines look like.

It is clear that kehlani uses two literary devices to convey her theme somebody will come to your life and love you just the way you are.This topic of don’t reject yourself is important because you were born a certain way and you should embrace it. I recommend that you tell people to love themselves and spread the word to make a happier place. People don't understand that words can make a huge impact on someone's life either positive or negative.



  1. i love your song Bae ! Make sure to fix your punctuation-kim and Steph

  2. Awesome Gabby but i have a glow and a grow for you which is the glow is you added information on your paragraphs, a grow is that maybe you could have added a little bit of of more information about the song.
