Monday, May 16, 2016

¨ Te Deseo Lo Mejor¨ by Adrian Di

I barely know this song, but I like it. I was searching for songs and I found it and I like it because it has a lot of things that are true and it’s awesome. And when I was listening to this song i felt emotional because it was telling the truth and how I have gone through that and how love does not last forever, it has to end someday. After listening to the song I felt sad because if you are with someone and that person does not feel the same for you than what’s the point on going it will not last, and also that has happen to some people.

The song “Te deseo lo mejor” by Baby rasta & Gringo was released on December 12, 2014 and most people like it. The real name of Baby Rasta is Wilmer Alicia, and he was born on October 11,1976. Gringo’s real name is Samuel Gerena, and he was born on December 31,1978. They both changed their names because they wanted new names for music. They both started singing at the age of 10, they both like reggaeton because in that time reggaeton was popular. The topic in all their songs is about love and it tells the truth about it. Also it inspires people and give lessons to people and the message is good. Baby Rasta & Gringo use metaphor and verbal irony to convey the message that love does not last forever,it has to end someday.

Baby Rasta uses verbal irony to convey the theme that love does not last forever, it has to end someday. In the first verse the artist is saying that the love they had between them it’s over. In the first verse says “Ya yo no siento lo mismo q tu sientes / no hay nada q hablar nada vale que lo intentes”(“Deseo”1-2). And that means that he does not feel the same for her anymore and there is nothing to talk about because everything is over. Baby Rasta uses the symbol of verbal irony and he is saying that he does not feel the same for her, what he actually means is that he can’t forget her. And this matters because when you are in love you can’t forget that person for a long time and won’t be able to love another person.

Gringo uses metaphor to convey the theme that love can last but not forever, it has to end. In the fifth verse Gringo is saying that the love that they have for eachother is trapped in one place as water turning into ice. In the fifth verse it says “Pero todo se acabo se convierte en hielo tan frío este amor”(“Deseo”16-17). And that means that love can’t always be good. Gringo is using metaphor by comparing love to ice in order to show that love is being trapped in one place and being trapped is bad because you can’t do anything and you won’t learn or experience new things. And this matters because when the love that you had for that person is for her you won’t be able to love someone else because the love is still trapped but for that one person.

The strength of “Te deseo lo mejor” is the lyrics because it says things that are true about love and how many people went through that. And a verse that makes this song strong is that it says  “Ya yo no siento lo mismo que tu sientes / no hay nada que hablar nada vale que lo intentes”(“Deseo” 1-2). And this verse makes it strong because is saying that the love that they had for each other it's over and she lost her chance and there is nothing to talk about. And a verse that makes the song weak is “Estoy consciente que contigo la pase muy bien y disfrute las cosas que hicimos”(“Deseo”12-13). And this makes the song weak because it's just saying that they had fun together and how they were happy and this is weak because they both don't love each other and they are remembering the past and itś bad.

Te deseo lo mejor is a powerful song that has a message that love does not last forever, it has to end some day. This is relevant to my own life because I have gone through that and itś hard, because when you love a person and that person does not feel the same for you so that is really bad. And also a similar theme can be heard in one of their own song because the song that Baby Rasta & Gringo make itś almost about the same topic. I recommend that people listen to this song because it can change their life a little because it can reflect about their own way of thinking about love. And can make better decisions in the future.

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