Monday, May 16, 2016

Same Old Love by Natalie Bustamante

I had just finished arguing with my dad over who gets the remote, obviously I won since I was an adorable 5 year old. I was channel surfing but nothing I liked was on so I went to Disney Channel, but it was on commercial so I was about to change the channel so I was about to change the channel for the billionth time that day, until I heard the most beautiful voice ever. It was Selena Gomez. Sure, all she said was ¨I'm Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel.¨ But her voice, it was so angelic and she was incredibly beautiful. She looked so adorable in her green long sleeve with her blue, pink, yellow, and black dress. The first time I ever heard her sing was when I heard the theme song to ¨Wizards of Waverly Place¨ Like I said before, She has the voice of an angel. From then on I've been one of her biggest fans.

Selena Marie Gomez first came into the music world in 2008 when she starred in in Disney's ¨Another Cinderella Story¨ but she did not release an official album until 2009, ¨Kiss and Tell.” But Selena first started her acting career in 2002 when she made her first appearance as Gianna on ¨Barney and Friends.¨

By using rhyme, Selena displays that her heart is broken and that she's tired of what the person is putting her through. In Same Old Love, by using rhyme Selena also In the line ¨That shit, it tears me up I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough.¨ Selena sings about how tired she is of the person treating her badly, she rhymes ¨Tears me up,¨ and ¨My bodys had enough´ to show how heartbroken she feels.

By using symbolism, Selena reveals that the person she’s talking about broke her heart. In Same Old Love, by using “You left in peace, left me in pieces Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees Right now, 'ow” Selena uses pieces as a symbol for her broken heart and how now it's shattered in pieces. She also uses “Too hard to breath, I’m on my knees” as a metaphor to display that she can barely breath because she's crying so hard and that she fell on her knees because of crying.

The greatest strength in ‘Same Old Love’ is the message behind it. Knowing what Selena has gone through in her past relationship with Justin Bieber makes the message more powerful since it’s written from personal experience. Not even one minute into the song you can tell that she’s very passionate about it. Unlike other artists that don’t really get that into the song. Unfortunately, while the song has an amazing message it bothers me knowing that the song is about Justin Bieber, even though she denies it we know it’s the truth, because he is one of my favorite artists. But nothing can change my feelings towards this song because it is amazing.

“Same Old Love” is an amazing song that conveys a great message; If you treat people badly they will get tired of it and leave you. This song connects powerfully with Selena’s experience because like I said before this song was about her person experience.


  1. Great details it was really good you need to give yourself more credit about the things you do the essay was A+ material(to me at least)all talk about not doing well on your essays is not true

  2. Glow: Yay! You actually finished an essay! Also,good analysis!
    Grow: Why is there no video? I WANT A VIDEO! (I know that I'm being a hypocrite because I don't have a video either, but I don't care)
