Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Buffalo soldier

Tyler Beaver
Block 2

Music Analysis Review

Buffalo Soldier

By Bob Marley

Intro; The first time I ever heard of Bob Marley was in 6th grade and it was in my math class and I seen it on the the board and i randomly picked it because I was thinking about buffalo wings because I was hungry and I was thinking of food and any other song I listen to it doesn’t have words and I couldn’t use the.I don’t know much about the song except for when it was made which was in 1983 and it was a part of the confrontation album and I also know that bob Marley died of cancer in 1981 in a health clinic in Miami.

Intro - background; Buffalo soldier was about African Americans that were stolen from their homes and countries and  forced to fight in civil wars.

Intro - thesis; My theme for my song was that you should always try your hardest even in challenges. Bob Marley uses symbolism and loaded language to tell us his message.

Body paragraph#1; I think that theme for  buffalo soldier is that you should always try your hardest even in challenges. I thought that it could be the theme because in the song bob Marley says”fighting on arrival,fighting for survival”.there is also a part in the song that said”when I analyze the stench,to me it makes a lot of sense”in that part it tells how people died coming to america and how it was when they were coming.

Body paragraph#2; In the 4th verse of the song it tells how people should know about their history and about yourself and your life and where you come from.their was also a part in the song that said “then you wouldn’t have to ask me who the ‘eck do you think I am”this part of the verse was a little confusing I didn’t get what he meant  when he said that because it sounded to me like stereotypes  because of how the verse is said.I had also found one part of my song that said”said he was a buffalo soldier,win the war for america”and another one I found said”said he wanna ran,then you wanna hand”that part of the song was also a little confusing for me too but i think I figured out what it meant and it probably meant that someone didn’t want to fight so they tried to run away and they couldn’t so they had to fight.

Evaluation ; One part of the song that made it strong was when it tells about where they were coming from and what it was it like the part that says “fighting on arrival,fighting for survival”.this part of the song to me was strong but it was also a little weak  because that’s all that it says so it makes it weak. There are also other parts of the song that tell where they are being taken from.

Conclusion; I think that the meaning of the song is still to never give up even in challenges and I think that this could still be a good meaning and I think that it connects with me a little because I would sometimes I would give up and sometimes I would even when it was hard and if I had to recommend this song I think that I would recommend it to adults and old people because they probably already know this song and I’d recommend it to people my age or young people they probably wouldn’t like it and they wouldn’t know anything about it too(I didn’t know anything about this song until I researched it).I think that you should listen to this song and or share it to one of your friends or family members because this song has a lot of historical references and things like that mentioned in this song.


  1. Glow:Nice Introduction and song
    Grow:Put the Intro Anecdote,Intro Background,Intro Thesis all together no space lines

  2. tyler i liked how you used buffalo wings in your intro because i love buffalo wings. one thing you could improve on is not using the word and so excessively

  3. Great intro Tyler, but you could have dove deeper into the song in the body paragraphs.

  4. Great intro Tyler, but you could have dove deeper into the song in the body paragraphs.

  5. Great intro Tyler, but you could have dove deeper into the song in the body paragraphs.
