Monday, May 16, 2016

"All Time Low" By:Matthew De Guzman

"All Time Low"By:Jon Bellion

"OMG!I hit a  720 insta-swap!!”Yelled FaZe Rain. ”This has been it for the video today peace!”.”That I’m at an all time,Low,low,low,low,low…”. ”Whoa!That’s a nice outro song!”I said.” All Time Low By:Jon Bellion” I read to myself. I was in my room by myself. My room smells like food and the bed feels comfortable. This story occurred about a month or 2 ago.Jon Bellion’s single:”All Time Low”was released on April 4. He was born on Long Island,New York. He is 25 years old. He first started listening to Eminem and Kanye West. Jon Bellion uses Rhyme and similes on the song”All Time Low”. He mostly makes Hip-hop,Soul,Pop,Rock, and Electric. He mostly talks about relationships. Jon Bellion uses similes throughout the song to convey the important message that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes.

Bellion uses similes to help convey his message that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes. On the first verse,he begins to talk about him with a girl:”I was the knight in shining armour in your movie’(“All”1). By comparing him to the knight in shining armour in her movie. He explains the theme that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes. By describing his first verse the listeners could understand their relationship before.

By using similes,Bellion helps his listeners understand that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes. On the fourth stanza,he begins to explain to explain,”I was the prototype like 3 stacks on that CD”(All”13). By comparing how he is like the prototype like 3 stacks on that CD. He explains the theme that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes. By describing verse 13 the readers could understand their relationship.

The greatest strengths of “All Time Low” is the powerful theme. Jon Bellion does good on where many artist mess up the message. The first stanza makes the readers depressed,Bellion says,”I was the knight in shining armour in your movie. Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste.Now I’m a ghost,I call your name,you look right through me. You’re the reason I’m alone and masturbate”.(‘All”1-4) He mostly explains on the first 2 verses that they were happy,but then on verse 3-4 he says some sad stuff. For example,When he says,”You’re the reason I’m alone and masturbate”(“All”4). When Bellion is successful at the beginning his chorus isn’t the best in my opinion. He sings:That I'm at an all time.[x4]Low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low.(“All”9-12).His chorus doesn’t make as much sense as the rest of the song. He constantly says “low” over and over that is a total of 244 times of saying “low”.

“All Time Low”is a kind of depressing song that conveys an important message that you shouldn’t hide from your mistakes. This song helped me hit some stinkies(trickshots)on BO3. I always listen to this song when I play videogames.I also hear it when I watch FaZe Rain. I recommend this song to people experiencing breakups to listen to this song if they want to let out their emotions.


  1. glow- Love this song too I also did mine on john bellion. I really like how you described the songs lyrics in depth.
    grow- I think you should have put the video in the middle or closer to the start?

  2. glow-love this song too i also did mine on... nvm but faze rain really i like how u put faze rain
    Grow- i think you should have added more faze members to sponsor them

  3. I like the song, it has a good beat. But I think that you should've done is maybe added more pictures?
