Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blanca Villa Un-thinkable

Un-Thinkable (I’m Ready)
        My sister showed me this song I was 7 years old my sister and i were laying watching Music Choice on On Demand but we heard songs of hers a long time ago before Un-thinkable. I really liked it because I like R&B a lot and sorta like old school music. And I really like Alicia Keys voice. It didn’t really affect me but now i really love her music even though she doesn’t make music often.

    Alicia Augello Cook she was born on January 25,1981(age 35) also born in New York City. At the age of 7 she began to take piano lessons she graduated from a Professional Performance Arts School. Alicia keys influences are Nina Simone,Barbara Streisand,Willa Cather,Terri Augello,Alice Walker,Quincey Jones. She has won 9 grammys and she mostly sings R&B

     Alicia Keys uses symbolism twice to convey the theme that you should take the risk for love. She shows this in her bridge and the hook.
           Alicia keys uses symbol of deserve it to represent that she is ready to start the relationship all over and they should try again.In the bridge Alicia says “You give a feeling that i never felt before/And i deserve it,i think i deserve it/its becoming impossible to ignore/And i cant take it”. This reveals the theme that you should take the risk for love because you always can get 2nd chances and re start all over.
              Alicia Keys uses the symbol wings to represent freedom and that they can love whoever they want. In the hook Alicia says “why give up before you try/feel the lows before the highs/Clip our wings before we fly away” this reveals the theme that you should take the risk for love, freedom is important because you can choose whoever you want to love. I think is worth to take a risk in love because you can explore love because you can find your true love.

         A particular strength of the song is that it has a lot of powerful lyrics for example in one of her lyrics she says wings and the listeners really don't pay attention. This strengthens the song because a lot of people don’t really pay attention to the lyrics but this really caught my attention.
   In conclusion, Alicia Keys conveys the theme that you should take the risk for love. This topic is important you should take the risk for love and you have the freedom to love whoever you want. I recommend that you should follow your heart.



We Gon Be “Alright”! by Aaliyah Hernandez

It was a hot summer night. I was in my room listening to music to clear my thoughts. I was on Pandora, and I came upon a song that was called “Poetic Justice”. I really liked the song so I  went on You-Tube and started to listen to more of his songs. Also my older brother likes his music too so that's one thing my brother and I have in common. Kendrick Lamar Duckworth was born on June-17-1987 (age 28), and was born in Chicago. Then he moved to Compton California. After he started to write stories as a child he added some lyrics about the rough streets he grew up in. At the age of 16 he dropped a mix-tape called “Youngest Head Nigga In Charge,” that drew a lot of attention in his Native Southern California community. He’s also a christian. His top 5 favorite artist are Tupac Shakur, Jay z, Notorious B.I.G, and Eminem. Also Tupac has not only affected him as a rapper, but he impacted him on an everyday way of life. His album To Pimp A Butterfly is about life as an African American person, and also how Compton shaped him into the person he is today. Kendrick Lamar uses allusion throughout the song to convey the message that people should get/have justice for past racial injustice.
By using allusion. Kendrick helps the listeners understand that you should not let society become racist, and that browns and blacks will be alright. In the third verse Kendrick uses “Behind my side we looking at you from the face down,” in this line. Kendrick Lamar alludes to “Behind my side we looking at you from the face down,” which means to the countless killings of black,brown people by police officers.The killings he's referring to are to the previous killings that the police did in the past.(ex. Trayvon Martin,Alex Nieto, Mike Brown,etc) This reveals the theme that people should get justice for past racial injustice, by the government, and that their not doing anything to change the problem.
He uses allusion again. Kendrick says “What do you want, a house,or a car 40 acres and a mule.”(verse 7 in the song “Alright”) Which is about that the government did not hold up to their promises and also about former enslaved African Americans freedman. This reveals the theme that people should get justice for past racial injustice, because the government did not hold up to their promises. For example, it's like the government was going to do something but they didn't.  Also that history is going to repeat itself again. Its really sad to think that we still have discrimination in our society to be honest.
The greatest significant strength of “Alright” would be the music video, which deliberately combines the verse with tragic visuals. For example Kendrick relies on heavy symbolism-police killing blacks and browns, police officers, cop cars, and also Compton the streets he grew up in to tell his overall message. One specific image is the police cars, and officers are shown killing innocent black individuals. In the video the police cars and officers shows about police brutality is still going on in our society,also that their is still discrimination. The visual presentation left me thinking that history is repeating. Also to keep calm,because as a black,brown individuals that we will fight together to end discrimination, and we will be alright. This strengthens the song,because it shows  how police are messed up, and that their supposed to make us feel safe, but they're killing us slowly one by one. While the song has a power-full message, I am troubled by the way Kendrick he used the shot, by how a random boy got shot in the beginning of the video, then at the end he gets shot. I think they should've made it clear to what that part meant to make the song better.

It is clear that people should get justice for past racial injustice. This topic is relevant to the world,because there is still discrimination, and police brutality. For example, police officers killed innocent blacks, and brown individuals for the past years. Also the police officers didn't even serve jail time for the innocent lives they took. I recommend this song to people who like songs that has a message to it, and also about things that are happening in our society.Also this is a good song to get turnt too and also vibe to.

I Lied - Tammy Gomez


The first time I was introduced to Nicki Minaj I was 7 or 8. My cousin was listening to “Your love” that came out 2010. Then the first time I heard , “I lied” I was in the car with my auntie and she put the volume to the max and we started getting in our feelings. The lyrics that stuck to me the most were, “ You said you thought you was ready and I said let’s see”. I think these lyrics stuck to me because I can relate to it.
     Nicki Minaj’s, “Your Love “, song is influenced by Annie Lennox, “no more I love you’s”, and her Pink Print album is influenced by Enya, “Sail away”. Nicki Minaj is 33 years old born  december 8th, 1982. Her Pink Print album came out 2014. She is a singer and song writing. She sings R&B and Hip Hop. Her home town is Saint James, Trinidad. Nicki was raised in South Jamaica.
     The theme of the song,”I Lied”, by Nicki Minaj is to not fall in love too fast and with the wrong person because you will regret it and boys ain’t worth your time. The theme is that you will regret dating the wrong person.
      By using rhyme Nicki helps her listeners understand her song more clearly. “You just  a heartbreaker won’t let you break mine cause i be smashing windows and cutting them break lines” from, “I lied”. This line shows that Nicki dont play games she will go crazy on a guy if she gets cheated on.  This also shows a lot about her personality. It also shows that he hurt her really bad.
      Nicki uses metaphor in,”This sh*t wasn’t real it was magic, If it was a record it would have been classic” form , “I lied”.This means their love felt so real. By saying,”It would have been classic,” she means the love was unique and strong. This also shows the theme that you will get hurt if you fall in love with just anyone. This also shows she was really into him.
        There is a lot of ups and downs in this song. She talks a lot about how he broke her heart. Most of the song talks about how he broke her heart. Also she says in other words that his love was unique. I lied is based on her love story with ex boyfriend.
         In conclusion Nicki sings,”I lied”. This song came out with the album,”pink print”, in 2014. Also it is based on a lesson learned. The theme of this song is to not fall in love too quick. Nicki singer and she writes her own songs. She sings hip hop and r&b.      

The consequences of deception: A literary analysis of ¨Your'e gonna go far, kid" by Madeline Komlos

My Dad and I were on our way to the library. I followed my Dad mumbling complaints on why I had to come with him. “ Don’t worry,” he said. “ we’ll be in and out. We’re just picking up some books.” When the door to the library opened, everything went silent. I couldn’t even hear my own breath when I first took a step inside. It was like walking through a tomb. I trailed closely behind my Dad, afraid of getting lost. ‘Okay,’ I thought. ‘we’re only picking up a few books.’ I took no time to reach the reserved section. My eyes darted around, looking for the books under our name. When I saw them, I scooped up the books and examined them carefully. Some comics for me and my sister, one large one for my Mom, but one thing in the stack caught my eye. It was a music case.
Confused, I asked “Is this ours? I thought we were just getting books.”
“Oh, I’m getting music, too. Do you want to get some?” He replied.
“Sure.” I said. I made my way to the music section. When I returned, I brought back a handful of discs and listened to them at home. Since I liked them, I decided to go look up more songs like the ones I found in the library. I ended up listening to tons of music in the span of a weekend. While some artists were good, one band I liked in particular was a band called ‘The Offspring’.
Their music really hit near home with me and carried important messages.
The offspring inspired many others along with me when they broke new ground with one of their most popular songs, “You’re gonna go far, kid.” The song was released in 2008 and fits in the genre of rock. In 1985, the band was formed as a couple of high schoolers who were raised in working class households. Once the entire band was formed, a lot of their music went unnoticed as other bands with more popularity buried the music of more popular bands at the time, such as Nirvana. They have learned through experience that things in life do not come for granted, and that there are challenges that prevent you from achieving your goals. In ‘You’re gonna go far, kid’, the message the band shows is about lying: how you think it may benefit you, and how it has unavoidable negative consequences.
From The Offspring’s use of verbal irony, rhyme, and loaded language, the message is revealed that if you lie to get what you want, you distance yourself from your peers and are trusted less.

One way The Offspring is able to convey their messages with loaded language. Throughout the song, there are many examples that show the negative aspects of lying, but one with a greater impact is in the first verse, where they sing “Show me how to lie/You're getting better all the time / And turning all against one/ Is an art that's hard to teach”(1-4). Here, The Offspring is displaying their aggressive attitude towards being lied to. They also suggest that someone they trust lied to them many times before in the phrase “you're getting better all the time”. This helps reveal the artists’ negative tone towards being lied to . In all, the theme that when you deceive others for your own needs, you hurt others and they will trust you less is revealed by showing that people who are lied to will feel betrayed or vengeful, and that lying only weakens your credibility and creates unhealthy relationships.

Another way The offspring is able to convey their message is through rhyme. Their use of rhyme helps compare the act of lying to its negative impact. In the 17th verse, they sing
“With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See them running for their lives”(17-25).
By rhyming “a thousand lies” with “ hit ‘em right between the eyes” and “see them running for their lives”, The Offspring compares the idea of getting what you want from lying with the idea that people will fear you and feel betrayed by your actions. This helps reveal the theme that lying to get what you want distances yourself from your friends and leads to unhealthy relationships because if you only use deception for your needs, you will achieve less because there will be less people who trust you.

One last way The Offspring demonstrates their theme is through verbal irony. Throughout the song, there are many examples of the band expressing negative emotions towards lying and being lied to, such as their use of loaded language. But unlike before, the band uses a sarcastic, angered tone when they sing
“And now you’ll lead the way/Show the light of day/Nice work you did/ you're gonna go far, kid/ Trust, deceived!” (45-49). Although the band is saying that whoever lied to them will go far, what they really mean is that nothing good will come to that person from deception, and they even go out of their way to add the phrase ‘trust, deceived!’ to demonstrate their sense of betrayal. This reveals the theme that your peers will feel betrayed if you try to deceive them.

The song has many intriguing aspects that help display the theme, but the most powerful aspect is The Offspring’s use of tone and mood. Throughout the song, the band uses a vengeful and aggressive tone that helps create an intense, fast-paced mood. For example, when The offspring sings “Now dance, f***er, dance/ Man, he never had a chance/ And no one really knew/ it was really only you”(9-13). By the use of explicit language and rapid guitar music, the song is strengthened by the bands’ angered attitude which encourages and empowers the listener to speak up if they know they are being lied to.
There are many interesting and powerful components of this song, which are so powerful, the weakest part of this song doesn't even reside within the lyrics or the music, but rather the music video. It's representation of the song falls short in multiple ways. The way the video is paced is slow and awkward compared to the intensity of the music. Secondly, the visuals depicted in the video show little effort into translating the lyrics meaning into compelling images. Finally, despite the video showing some aspects of deception, those visuals don't add on to what is already expressed in the music and sang in the lyrics.

Though rhyme, loaded language, and verbal irony, the message delivered in “You're gonna go far, kid” is that lying has an impact on those around you, and those who trust you will distance themselves from you because of your actions, and only to get what you want. I can connect this to my own life experiences, because there are people I know who I would still be friends with if they didn't lie to me about how they felt towards me. This also relates to issues in the media. One of the most recent and most prominent example is with BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z, with lies and affairs damaging and eventually ending their relationship. I would recommend this song to people who like classic rock, songs about lying , and songs about revenge.

All things go by Cathia Gallardo

One day I come to school and and all my friends are listening to super bass by Nicki Minaj and they are just talking about how catchy the song is .So what I did as act like i knew the song since I didn’t wanna seem stupid and that was something I always did most of the time. So as soon as I got home I searched the song up and listened to the song a couple times and I really enjoyed it so I just started listening to more of her music .

The theme of all things go by Nicki Minaj is that time passes quick and we have to take the chances. Nicki also wrote about all the challenges she had to face.Nicki Minaj uses a lot of symbolism through her song to convey her message . NIcki Minaj was born on December 8,1982 but her actual name she  was given when she was born was Onika Tanya Maraj. Her music is hip hop and pop.

When Nicki Minaj used symbolism Nicki Minaj help us understand that time passes fast and we have to take the aprotunities in life and that no matter what challenges u have to got through you still have to keep your head up.In the chorus when it said,”We wake up and do it all again”(20). Nicki uses the symbol of waking up and doing it all again to represent That you start all over again and you just continue with your life because life only lasts for a amont of time not forever. This reavels the theme that you have to stay strong and face the challenges no matter how much you’re struggleing in life and that we have to take the chances you are given because then its gone and you might regret it.

Nicki Minaj also used metaphors to compare life to a movie  together  explaining that's is worth it but “never a sequel”.When the song said,”life is a movie but there never be a sequal”(6). Nicki is talking about how you have to enjoy and be appreciative of what life has been giveing you because it’s the only life you are gonna be given and just try to enjoy life. Because after life you die it’s over you aren’t gonna have another life their isn’t gonna be “sequal”

In the song All thing go by Nicki Minaj one strength is when she said,”rock with people for how they make me feel not what they give me”(49). This is a strength of the song because she is sending you a message that surround yourself with people that actually care about you and if u just surround yourself with people that don't care about you but give lots of things they might not be there when you actually need them. Nicki talks about 2 things in the song she talks about the things she had to face and also about how life has its amount of time and there isn’t another chance afterlife is over so you have to enjoy it because it goes quick. And this part of the song is a strength because it talks about how she is as a person and how that probably affected her in her life at some point and it also  is talking about time in a way because she talking about how she’s not gonna waste her time with people that don’t care.

A part that is weakening is when Nicki said,”I had to reinvent ,I put the v in vent I put the heat in vents” (1-2) his is weakening because it has nothing to do with the topic of what she is writing about like her struggles or about life passing by fast. Nicki didn’t say anything about her 2 topics she was singing about something that doesn’t really support anything.

All things go is a song that makes you think about your life and how you have to keep on going and also remember that things happen for a reason.This song reminds me of how sometimes I have those days that are just not as good as others and I might be going through some rough times and I just have to move on forward.   recommend this song to people that like songs that help them through their hard times instead of music that makes you feel bad this song motivates you in a way.


     Jealousy can take over your happiness if you let it by constantly being and feeling that way…
When i first heard this “Jealous” by Labrinth, i was at home with me sister (preet), we were at the table eating while we watched “ The X Factor” on tv.
The show was about to end and there was just one audition left for the judges to judge and decide whether they would make it to the next round or not.
The audition walked onto the stage, my sister and I were like, “Ohh i don't think he'll make it, he looks a little to nervous..”
   They judges were asking him about himself, what song he was going to sing and why he chose to sing that song. His name was Josh Daniel. He is 21, a car macanicand and was from Building-a-mente-side. And chose to sing Jealous by Labrinth. They asked him why he chose to sing that song and he replied with his sweet charming accent, “ummm.. I lost my best friend a couple of years ago… i kind of interpreted the lyrics kind of say ‘im jealous that you're happy with me’ ann I kind of see it in a sense that he now happy and moved on to a best place and that i can still be with him.” Then suddenly he began to sing his heart away, i was like ohhhhh gosh…
When he was singing I had just felt so many emotions at once and I could not stop replaying his audition. His voice, singing and song choice when perfectly with what he had gone thought which was really similar to what I had gone through, and I believe, his audition touched everyone in the heart. Which is a great thing for him because he MADE IT TO  THE NEXT ROUND!!!!
    Timothy Lee McKenzie is Labrinth’s real name this 27 year old pop  and R&B singer whose african american, whose voice is amazing and whos lyrics cooperate greatly with other. He goes by Labrinth and that is his stage name. Labrinth was born on January 4, 1989 he's from London, England and Hackney. Labrinth got famous from the songwriter Simon Cowell. Simon was a song  producer who worked with Labrinth, he helped him put his music together, get him known and helped him actually put him music out there. Simon cowell helped Labrinth put out “jealous” in 2008. He made it a single, because he was originally thinking of buttoning it in one of his mixtape but he though it didn't go right with the other songs. He thought it would also have a bigger meaning to it if he made it a single, so he did. He sang this song because of the lose of his father, when his father left him and his family as he was just a toddler. He sings this song and hides the real reason of why he wrote and sang this song by singing about a girl.

  In this song Labrinth sends a deep message that everyone leaves eventually but you shall always learn to make yourself happy, independently and love yourself do you. He does this by talking about the same issue in a different perspective. Also by considering and accepting the consequences and emotions that come with the situation.
However, as Labrinth sings this song and sends this deep that's tells his audience that others can't take away your happiness unless you let them and that self love is all you need.
I have a whole different interpretation of the song and every lyric, verse and the curious Labrinth sings speaks to me in a way I could never fully explain. When I listen to his music, all his songs tend to get me hooked and very emotional, especially “Jealous.”
When I listen to this song, it says “it's hard for me to say/ I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me,” every time I listen to that verse I tell get emotional for many reasons. Anyways my interpretation of this song and the way labrinth puts it into actual lyrics, is every loss is a strength gained, that you shall never be jealous of someone else's happiness because it's not going to do you any good.
This is my interpretation because as i said there are many reasons but I feel the biggest is being jealous of my fathers happiness without me, he seems as if he doesn't need me. My grandfather as well, he means the world to me even though i never met him but now that he's gone and in a better place it's hard on me because i wish he could be with me and i wish he were my father…

   Labrinth uses his tone to convey his message that not everyone is meant to stay, everyone leaves but you just have to leave to make yourself happy independently and learn to love yourself for you. When he says “I wished you the best of all this world could give” in verse # one in the chorus, his tone in the song changes. He first does from a low and soft tone to a hard and meaningful tone, as if he's angry or something. He also pauses before he sings the next verse. This tells me that Labrinth is trying to make that verse clear before he goes onto the next. I think he pauses and his voice changes because he connects it to the theme.
  One thing he also uses his personal perspective, to show the way he feels about the situation, he and to convey his theme that not everyone is meant to stay, everyone leaves but you just have to accept the loss and make yourself happy independently and love yourself for you. He conveys his theme when he says “It’s hard for me to say I’m jealous of the way you’re happy without me”. (In verse # 7 & 8) He doesn't say exactly how he feels about it all but he repeats himself many times with the same line. That shows that he really means the way he feels and it is hard for him to express his jealousy because that's not the same way she may feel about him if she were in his shoes.
  Labrinth includes a video to the song that is 4 minutes and 47 seconds and in that music video he includes nothing but himself playing the piano which weakens the song a bit because, he doesn't show or do anything to express the way he actually feels. He also doesn't do anything but play the pianoforte I said before, he plays it for a couple seconds in the video. This oh ink is the only thing that weakens the song since a piano can't explain the way you feel, you need actions that go with your lyrics to express your feelings and fuke the audience to both the music video and the song itself.

  However, Labrinth’s  lyrics he sings amazingly go great with each and every word he sings. He doesn't just wounded off and get off topic and strangely  starts singing about something random like food. He sticks to the one situation and he sticks to one theme, convincing his audience that it is completely okay to feel a certain way about something as long as your create happiness for yourself on your own and love yourself for you instead of depending on others to do that for you.

  In conclusion, “Jealous” by Labrinth, speaks to me and I'm sure it does to others as well. But not only others but the world because there are many people nowadays who are insecure, who don't think of the themselves but others instead, who are very unhappy with themselves because they don't have someone to be happy with or for… And Labrinth sends a message that it's okay to feel a certain way about something or someone as long as you create happiness on your own and learn to love yourself for you/ no one stays, everyone leaves eventually but when that time comes you shall learn to keep yourself happy independently and learn to love yourself for you. I recommend this song and artist to any and everyone who likes R&B and to those who just like music that will speak to you in a way not all music can.
A friendly reminder, everything will be okay as long as you continue to forgive and forget and constantly do what makes you happy no matter what it is… ❤️✨
Life is stressful
   INTRO : How i first found out about twentyonepilots.

        One day me and my friend Glendy were at our friend Samantha’s house, listening to music on youtube and talking about our favorite shows.We had the song setting on autoplay, so it plays the next song automatically. Next thing you know my friend screams “oh my god this is my favorite band! ”. Me and Glendy never heard the song  or the band before so i ask “what song is it  and what’s the band name” ? Samantha says “oh sorry it’s stressed out by twenty one pilots ”.

  Originally 21 pilots were a group of three. 21 Pilots were formed in 2009 by high school friends Tyler Joseph , Nick Thomas, and Chris Salih . The pop trio built an enormous regional across Ohio and the Midwest, their shows were always very energetic, and they loved  connecting with fans. 21 Pilots self-released an album of their rap-infused high-tech pop in 2010 before Thomas and Salih left the band in 2011 due to their “busy schedules”. Tyler Joseph carried on with a new member Josh Dun. You are probably wondering how did Tyler and Josh meet but before i tell you that i need to give you background information on both of them.Tyler Joseph (the lead singer) was born on December 1st ,1988  (he is a sagittarius ).He was born in columbus , ohio. He has 3 siblings 2 brothers named zack, Jay, and a sister named Madison. He  also married Jenna black on March 28th ,2015. Josh Dun(the drummer) was born on june 18 1988 (he is a gemini just like me ). He was also born in Columbus Ohio he has 3 siblings 2 sisters and 1 brother his sisters names are Ashley and Abigail his brothers name is jordan.

I wish i found some better sounds no one’s ever heard\
i wish i had a better voice that sang  some better words\
i wish i found some chord in an order that is new \
i wish i didn't have to rhyme every time i sang

By repeating "i wish" Tyler and Josh are explaining how they wish things were different with them and music.
This reveals the theme that sometimes people wish for things that they know that might never happen because, just by wishing that u had a better voice is not going to make you have a better voice.

Body paragraph : rhyme
I was told when i get older all my fears would shrink \
but now I'm insecure and i care what people think

By repeating “shrink” and “think” Tyler and Josh are connecting the idea that when people are young they are afraid of a lot of things like heights , spiders ,and shadows at night time.( i know i was) ,  and people would tell you things like  “oh don't worry this will all go away when you are older but now that we are older we care about what people think about  us and the we are insecure and we need other people to tell us the we "match the standards ",
but if people don't tell us that we “match the standards” we won't feel confident in this world .
this reveals the theme that people and people’s words have strong impacts on us no matter how old we are.

The strongest thing about this song is that the lyrics really speaks out and connects to many and to me a little bit and one of the lyrics that makes it strong is “wish we could turn back time to the good old days when our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.”

Another strong piece of lyrics is that this piece is really connecting to the past is “we would build a rocket ship used to dream of outer space but now they are laughing at our face sang wake up you need to make money’’

All in all this song is based  on their past and them wanting to fit in.

I recommend this song because i think this song can connect to a lot of people and not a lot of people this generation know about them and a lot of their other songs talk about the problems that people face and it tells them that they are not alone.  

get used to it by kaylee arriaga

When I was introduced to justin bieber i was about 10 years old and my little sister was obsessed  with him but i wasn't really into him but did like his music. After about a year i started to get into him and his music a lot more and since then i have been into both his music and himself. When I first listened to the song I didn't really like it and forgot about it for a while and when I heard it again i started liking it a lot more. The memory I have with this song is that my sister was listening to Justin Bieber’s love yourself on youtube and we were in my car and as soon as the song ended the song I had not like came on and I was surprised that it was the song that I didn't like and I was singing the song as loudly as I can even though people were looking at me all crazy I didn't care what people thinking. Justin uses metaphors and  to show the message that is getting a girl’s attention would make her feel something to be in the man’s life.

One interesting thing about the song is that Justin Bieber has many songs like this song has something different in the song the other songs don't have. It has many meanings that are easy to defy.  In the 2nd verse of the song justin bieber is singing during verse 2 which says “ And Ima april shower you forever if I may till your flowers bloom in june make sure that our fireworks be 4th of july for life as long as you stand right by my side keep going closer go throughout october oh counting down it almost christmas eve oh seven day shy of new year's eve then we’ll be celebrating”(“get used to it” line 28-39)I think that he  is trying to say that when the woman is with him and in his life he will celebrate many holidays with her and Justin uses the the months of the year to  tell the months he is going to celebrate the holidays with him.

A particular strength of the song is that the lyrics is really catchy but has lots of meaning to it and one piece of lyrics that really stands out to me was “Reflecting on the days we used to be just friends protected both our interests our trust was in a bank that’s where our hearts once safe.” (“Get used to it ” line 1-6) it makes me think of how everything that they have together will be confidential and what makes it powerful is that you know exactly what it means when you hear that verse.

A particular weakness of the song is that one piece of lyrics has not much to be in the song because it doesn't make sense. For example when the song says” So get used to me checking in all day get used to me falling through just to see our face”. (“Get ”1-4). This makes the song weaker by the song being about wanting a girl to be in his life and telling her how he's going to treat he and in this line he's saying that he wants to check in with her and when he lights up when he sees her and it has nothing to do with telling her how he's going to treat her.

On the whole wanting to tell the girl that he wants to show her how he is going to treat her when she is his girlfriend. This reminds me of any kind of romance and love movie because in almost every movie of romance they mostly don't have the girl but the fall in love and try as much as they can to get the girl they want even if they have to do something crazy or impossible they will do it anyways for love and this song reminds me of him trying to get a girl he wants and doing whatever to get her.

Buffalo soldier

Tyler Beaver
Block 2

Music Analysis Review

Buffalo Soldier

By Bob Marley

Intro; The first time I ever heard of Bob Marley was in 6th grade and it was in my math class and I seen it on the the board and i randomly picked it because I was thinking about buffalo wings because I was hungry and I was thinking of food and any other song I listen to it doesn’t have words and I couldn’t use the.I don’t know much about the song except for when it was made which was in 1983 and it was a part of the confrontation album and I also know that bob Marley died of cancer in 1981 in a health clinic in Miami.

Intro - background; Buffalo soldier was about African Americans that were stolen from their homes and countries and  forced to fight in civil wars.

Intro - thesis; My theme for my song was that you should always try your hardest even in challenges. Bob Marley uses symbolism and loaded language to tell us his message.

Body paragraph#1; I think that theme for  buffalo soldier is that you should always try your hardest even in challenges. I thought that it could be the theme because in the song bob Marley says”fighting on arrival,fighting for survival”.there is also a part in the song that said”when I analyze the stench,to me it makes a lot of sense”in that part it tells how people died coming to america and how it was when they were coming.

Body paragraph#2; In the 4th verse of the song it tells how people should know about their history and about yourself and your life and where you come from.their was also a part in the song that said “then you wouldn’t have to ask me who the ‘eck do you think I am”this part of the verse was a little confusing I didn’t get what he meant  when he said that because it sounded to me like stereotypes  because of how the verse is said.I had also found one part of my song that said”said he was a buffalo soldier,win the war for america”and another one I found said”said he wanna ran,then you wanna hand”that part of the song was also a little confusing for me too but i think I figured out what it meant and it probably meant that someone didn’t want to fight so they tried to run away and they couldn’t so they had to fight.

Evaluation ; One part of the song that made it strong was when it tells about where they were coming from and what it was it like the part that says “fighting on arrival,fighting for survival”.this part of the song to me was strong but it was also a little weak  because that’s all that it says so it makes it weak. There are also other parts of the song that tell where they are being taken from.

Conclusion; I think that the meaning of the song is still to never give up even in challenges and I think that this could still be a good meaning and I think that it connects with me a little because I would sometimes I would give up and sometimes I would even when it was hard and if I had to recommend this song I think that I would recommend it to adults and old people because they probably already know this song and I’d recommend it to people my age or young people they probably wouldn’t like it and they wouldn’t know anything about it too(I didn’t know anything about this song until I researched it).I think that you should listen to this song and or share it to one of your friends or family members because this song has a lot of historical references and things like that mentioned in this song.

"Little Me" by Aranzazu Robles

In 2013 I was just in my room watching music videos on youtube because I was really bored and then there was this video that I have never watched and I didn’t know who Little Mix where so I listened to their song “Change Your Life”. I really liked it but then that was the last time I heard their music then after one year past I was watching youtube again I saw that Little Mix had a new music video called “Move” I listened to it then I started listening more to their songs and their songs had a powerful meaning for their fans to know and their music always had me dancing around my house and I never did that while listening to other songs but with their music it makes me feel like having a dance party with my sister which I do when my mom isn’t there but if I didn’t know them i would have been bored every day without listening to their songs.

When Little Mix were younger they were afraid about what might happen in the future and they are all insecure about what may happen and also about themselves and their inspirations to write their music it was the “Spice Girls” their music showed so many messages to their fans like to be confident in themselves and to keep their heads up threw everything that is happening through life because you can get threw it, and Little Mix write songs that are pop music, contemporary R&B, and hip hop that have a message for their fans to know what they want them to know.

Little Mix uses rhymes in their song to convey the message that they want for people to know what it is they are talking about in their songs and to send a message to everybody about stuff happening in real life and instead of telling them they are writing songs to convey what they want their fans to know from their songs to them.

Little Mix uses Allusion by telling their fans about how they were when they were little and on how they would want to let them know that even when you’re younger you tend to be like “How would our future look like ?” and also “What if people think that what I choose to be my future people would try to change it’’, because in the song it said “I’d tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out, talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder, tell her she’s beautiful, wonderful, Everything she doesn’t see”. (Little Me, 4). This reveals the theme that you can be anything you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak your truth while nobody is listening to your opinion because what they are saying is if people don’t find you as a powerful person then they don’t know what is a powerful person because a powerful person is somebody who is trying to be proud of themselves and trying to know if they should speak up for what they  want because no person would even listen and when they speak they want everybody to listen on what they are going to say when that person doesn’t even listen to other people opinion about something.

Little Mix also uses a lot of rhyme in their music to convey their message on you can be anything, you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak you truth while nobody is listening to your opinion in the first verse it’s talking about a girl who is always talking but everybody is ignoring her and maybe she feels lonely on why people don’t listen to what she is saying because in the song it says “She lives in a shadow of a lonely girl/voice so quiet you don’t hear a word/ always talking but she can’t be heard” (“Little” 1). By rhyming “word” and “heard” they were connecting about how when somebody is listening to you you don’t say it as confident as you want to say it, but when you do say it nobody listens to you and so then you just stay quiet and feel like nobody would be listening to what you have to say. This reveals the theme that you can be anything, you can speak your own words be brave on what you want to say because no matter who you are you can be anything and speak your truth while nobody is listening to your opinion because they are talking about how it’s like to talk to somebody about something and feeling like nobody listens to you and you just feel lonely that nobody notices you or even listens to what you have to say so you just stay quiet.

Little Mix in their songs convey different types of message to their fans in “Little Me” because not everyone knows what might happen in the future and what you choose to do in the future and also that you have to do something from what other people want you to do and to speak your own truth and nobody has to tell you what to do because in the song it says “Wish I knew back then/ what I know now / wish I could somehow/ go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice.” (Little Me 3). And this reveals that they have a message for their fans on how Little Mix wished they knew what they tell girls from when they were younger.

In conclusion, the song “Little Me” conveys a message to the people who listen to their  song to speak up for their truth and even if nobody would listen to your truth and be brave enough to say your opinion and to not worry about things in the future and Little Mix wished they knew about the advice they give people to help them out while growing.(T to W) Little Mix message in the song reflects to what is happening now with girls on how nowadays because no girl now says that they are beautiful and also that young girls are always trying to figure out their future, and that they will always be talking about their opinion about something and nobody would be listening to what they want to say.So this song talks about girls and what they want to do in the future and they never feel good about themselves and is always thinking about what may happen in the future.

"Broken Dreams" JOHN TRACY

Everyday, before I go train at the park, I watch a highlight video of professional soccer players to get me inspired and motivated to workout. One day I watched this video called “Christiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi Skill Battle”. It was a skill video featuring a different song for each of the two players. The song played for Ronaldo was a remix of pop songs. Messi’s song was a hip hop/rap song called “Broken Wings”, by Sik World. When I got to the park I could not get the song out of my head. It felt as if the lyrics of the song were personally speaking to me and my brain was subconsciously trying to figure out what they meant. I thought that the reason his lyrics spoke to me so much is that I am always alone when I train and Sik World makes his music by himself.
Sik World was born in Chicago, Illinois. He was a rapping prodigy because he started rapping when he was seven years old. Growing up, life was tough on him, he was cheated on by someone he cared about and later diagnosed with anxiety depression. All the tragedies in his life is what inspired him to write his songs. His songs express how he feels about society and his own life. In an interview on upcominghiphop.net, Sik World says that what keeps him motivated to write music is when people tell him that his music has helped them through tough times. Perhaps the reason people feel this way is because they struggle with similar challenges. Sik World started making music when he was 16. “Broken Wings” is by far his biggest hit. This song can be heard in several soccer Youtube videos as background music. Sik World uses loaded language and allusion throughout the song, “Broken Wings”, to convey the message that you must withstand society's standards and be who you are to pursue your dreams.

21 year old rapper, Sik World uses allusion in his top hit song, “Broken Wings”, in order to express the message that to pursue your dreams you must withstand society's standards and be who you are. In the second verse of the song, Sik world begins to allude the listener by stating something in a nonliteral way. The verse is, “ I got Broken Wings, but still flyin, with a loss of faith, and I’m still tryin (‘Broken’,1).” Sik World alludes to broken wings and flying, which is ironic because if your wings are broken you cannot fly. The artist is trying to say that he is hurting in life but he is still alive and grinding through the pain. This reveals the theme because society will hurt you but you have to continue.

One powerful way Sik World expresses the lesson that to pursue your dreams you have to withstand society's standards and be who you are through loaded language. In the first verse Sik World used words that allude the listener. But in the second verse he uses loaded language to communicate to the listener that he is serious when he raps, “Thats real an F*** how you feel ”(‘Broken’,4). He raps “Thats real” after telling the listener who he is and then he says “F*** how you feel”, to show he does not care how society feels about him. Sik World also uses the f-word to communicate a negative attitude towards others' feelings about him. This reveals the theme that to pursue your dreams you must remain undamaged by life’s standards so you can be who you want and do what you want to do.

A unique strength of Sik World's “Broken Wings” is it’s ability to emulate the rapper’s life and point of view. A verse that proves this strength is the ninth verse,
“I sat home buildin’ my craft
I had a dream I’m pursuin” (“Broken”, 8)
This part of the verse made the song a lot stronger because it shows what his daily life was by describing where he was and what he was doing. It also showed that he valued his dreams when he said, “I had a dream I’m pursuin’“. One thing that could have made this song more interesting is if he added more background details of his life. An example of this is:
“ They said that I can’t
Took out the t an to a t
An killed it “ (“Broken”,6)
This verse should have mentioned why they hated him and why he did not care. This would have made the listener more confident in his lyrics because they would want to emulate him and learn how to deal with people not believing in you.

Sik World uses allusion and loaded language in his smash hit song, “Broken Wings”. These tools conveyed the message, that in order to pursue your dreams you have be yourself and not let society dictate who you are. This song is relevant to my own life because I always try to be myself and also try not let others' actions interfere with what I strive to do. I recommend that in life you follow your own path so you don’t end up following other people’s dreams.