Thursday, March 24, 2016

You're Not The Only One. By Lucas Hansen

About 4 years ago on a cloudy Thursday, my mother had just picked me up from school and were walking towards where she parked her car, when we got there, all there was, was broken glass of the floor next to where our car was parked. At this moment we realised our car had been stolen so we did what any rational person would do, we phoned the police. When they arrived they got some background information on the parking lot we were in and found that they had video surveillance and were able to track down the perpetrators and find are stolen car. Thanks to having to having access to additional information, we were able to solve our problem pretty quickly.

In the year 2006, the NSA counterterrorism program began, the public didn't find out about this until 2013 when Edward Snowden leaked classified government files which informed the public how the NSA was recording phone calls of people all around the world to prevent terrorism. Many people were outraged by this, but maybe it isn't as bad as it’s advertised.The importance having this additional information that we’ve never had before makes it much easier to catch criminals and protect the country in a new and effective way. There are many reason why the NSA should be allowed to continue these tactics, such as, A little more half of America is alright with the NSA collecting their media data, the NSA have been able to prevent terrorist attacks with their program, and The NSA has not broken any privacy laws.

The NSA should be allowed to collect the media data of people in order to prevent terrorism. Half the country states that they are all right with the NSA collecting their media data. According to, Jason Howerton at, “Despite the outrage expressed by some over the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs, roughly 56 percent of Americans believe it is “acceptable” for the spy agency to secretly collect the telephone call records of millions of Americans”,(Howerton 1). Also Jason Howerton adds,”Additionally, 45 percent of
Americans say the government should be able to go even further and monitor all online activity if it would prevent future terrorist attacks” (Howerton 2). According to this evidence the majority of American think that the NSA program should continue to work on their project to protect America from terrorists and almost half the country believes they should go even further into their programs research. This evidence supports my claim because it shows how the majority is fine with the NSA protecting the country this way and should be continued and even given more power all to prevent terrorism.

Another reason that the NSA should continue their program is because their program has prevented terrorist attacks around the world. According to Marshall Honorof, at, “While the thought of the NSA controlling every bit of information that the average American citizen posts online is disconcerting, Alexander maintained that a terrorist attack is even worse for a country's basic freedoms.What we're talking about is future terrorist attacks," Alexander said, discussing a number of planned attacks that the NSA foiled over the last 10 years. "It is worth considering what would have happened in the world if those attacks — 42 of those 54 were terrorist plots — if they were successfully executed. What would that mean to our civil liberties and privacy?” (Honorof 6,7) according to this evidence the NSA was able to prevent terrorist attacks around the globe. This is important because it shows how the NSA’s program has been effective in protecting the country and supports my claim how we should let them continue to protect our country this way.
My finale reason that the NSA should be able to continue their surveillance tactics is that they haven't broken any privacy laws. According to Marshall Honorof, at, “The most important thing to keep in mind is that there is, at present, absolutely no indication that the NSA has done anything illegal or outside the parameters of its mission statement. The NSA monitors external threats to the U.S., and, in theory, does not turn its attention to American citizens without probable cause. There is no evidence to the contrary among the documents that Edward Snowden leaked.”(Honorof 4). According to the evidence provided by Honorof, the NSA hasn't broken any privacy laws and following the rules set in place. This is important because many people argue that they have broken laws to spy on people which isn't true, as the evidence proofs. The laws are like this to prevent the NSA from getting overly powerful and abusing their power but they are fine as they are right now.

A popular argument against the NSA is that they have violated privacy laws. I have proof that this isn’t true. According to Marshall Honorof at, “The most important thing to keep in mind is that there is, at present, absolutely no indication that the NSA has done anything illegal or outside the parameters of its mission statement. The NSA monitors external threats to the U.S., and, in theory, does not turn its attention to American citizens without probable cause. There is no evidence to the contrary among the documents that Edward Snowden leaked.”(Honorof 4) This proves the NSA doesn’t spy on you without good reason too and is within legal rights.

Some people don’t want the NSA to continue their program because they think the government already has a lot of power and were just giving them more power, they use examples of the IRS abusing their power and blackmailing people for money. What I’m suggesting for the NSA is that they limited power but still have enough to prevent terrorist attacks across the Nation. I’m not suggesting them having limitless power and being able to spy on whoever whenever. The NSA states that they’re not allowed to investigate anyone without probable cause so this stops them from doing what the IRS did a while back, the NSA should continue their work because it's effective and they have certain rules in place to stop them from being corrupt and abusing their power.

The NSA should be allowed to continue to collect media data because it prevents terrorism. The NSA are protecting this country and if you think about collecting media data can help people all over the world, for example if their is a murder on the loose and police have access to his media data they’ll probably catch him swifter than they would without these resources. The people of the US should value security over privacy so we can keep the country safe from terrorism.

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