Thursday, March 24, 2016

police brutality by Daniela Blancas

Imagine if a police officer killed someone in your family. How would you feel? How would you react? What would you do? Eric Garner was a 43 year old man that was killed in New York for selling un-taxed cigars many people say that the choke hold is what killed Eric Garner. This incident occurred on July 17 2014,Eric Garner died in Staten, New York. The choke hold lasted for about 15 to 19 seconds while arresting him. Staten is one of the five boroughs of New York city, in the state of New York, in the United States. In the southwest of the city, Staten Island is the southernmost part of both the city and state of New York. I think that police officers should be responsible of Eric Garner death. I think that because i think that it was unfair because Eric Garner said stop, and he also said that he couldn't breathe. My claim is police officers should be held responsible for Eric Garner death.

One particularly important reason why police officers should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner. In an article published on KQED news, Mark Andrew boyer explains that many people get killed because they are black for example many,Arnold Paxton says that Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died One of the most powerful reason why police officers should be held responsible for Eric Garner death is that officers  didn't have the right to kill him they could have just handcuffed him instead of killing him. In an essay published in, author jessica walker makes the case that Eric Garner told the cop to stop and Eric Garner told the cop that he coulnt breathe. For instance Jessica states that “every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today. I'm minding my business, officer,please just leave me alone i told you last time,please just leave me alone. please,please just leave me alone please, don't touch me do not touch me i can't breathe i can't breathe”(walker pg#1) the information shows that it wasn't the first time the cop bothered Eric Garner. This supports the argument that  police officers should be held responsible of the death of Eric Garner because they have no right no kill someone and Eric was telling the officer to leave him alone and told that he couldn't breathe and the police still didn't listen.

  Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died from the police use of chokeholds, 12 of whom were black. I think that police officers should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner because it is unfair to kill people (paxton 3). This perspective demonstrates how mad police officers are treating people this supports the argument that police officers should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner. Because it's unfair that they take lives away from people.

One of the most powerful reasons why police officers should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner is that Police officers were unfair with eric garner. In an essay about Eric Garner death,the author explains that they judge Eric Garner.  while it is clear that  police officers should be held responsible of eric garner death, people might instead argue that No, Police Officers Should Not  Be Held Responsible for Eric Garner’s Death because Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license marijuana possession and false impersonation. However, this is faulty assumption. Just because he did mistakes on selling cigarettes and driving without license, this doesn't mean that he will so all of those things again.

While it’s clear that police officer should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner, some people might argue that no police officers should not be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner because he did many thing that he shouldn't have done and that he's been arrested many times. However this is a faulty assumption. While it's true that Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests since 1980, this does not mean that the police officer had the right to kill Eric Garner.

It's clear that yes police officers should be held responsible for the death of Eric Garner. This issue is important because it was unfair to kill Eric Garner when eric told the police to stop and he didn't listen in order to stop police brutality, i propose that police officers not kill no one if they refuse to listen,if they don't listen, then leave them and call another different cop.

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