Thursday, March 24, 2016

Can Technology Help Society In A Positive Way


It wasn't the first time I've been bullied online, “Fvck you bitch i'm blocking you retard” it said. I shut my phone off quickly. Having feelings of throwing myself out the window and fading away. Technology Is good as long as and it should be used in schools and in your personal life because of reason #1 Technology can help people you use it correctly for example #1 people can communicate better,#2 technology can help others reunite, and #3 technology can help reduce deaths each year and #4 technology can help in schools.

The first reason why technology can have a positive impact in the world is that technology can help people communicate better. In an article published on all almostfree blogspot page Ben.D explains how technology can help people. For instance Ben.D Says, “Cell phones provide a much easier method of communication than ever before. With a cell phone, you can reach (or be reached) anyone at any time. In addition, the cell phone has made it possible for individuals to call for help in any emergency from any location. Parents can use cell phones to keep contact with children away from home and allow people to keep watch over elderly family members. This great technology has become such a part of our lives that many of us couldn’t imagine living without a cell phone.”(Ben.D). This information says that technology has improved communication. This supports the claim that technology can help in positive way because it shows how technology helps today and it isn't like the old times that it would take forever to deliver a message.

The second reason why technology can help society is by help people reunite. In another article published on a article website Brittany WalkerMany says that technology can help you reunite with old friends from high school or continue your education outside of school. For example, Brittany says, ”In many ways technology has enabled us to strengthen relationships by keeping in contact with old friends, colleagues, and co-workers. What would we do if we could not find old friends from high school through Facebook? Technology has even provided opportunities for students all over the world to receive an education online, while still maintaining work schedules and family. Students are now able to take webinar courses and attain their degree online just as any student on campus. Isn’t that awesome!”(WalkerMany). This information demonstrates how technology helps when you want to meet old friends or continue your unfinished education. If people start using Facebook to find high school friends or use their computer to continue their education. People will be able to reunite and have a good education.

For my third reason technology can help society is that Technology can help reduce DEATHS each year. In Megan Rose Dickey’s account about how technology is reinventing society,Google explains how their new invention will help reduce deaths each year. Surprisingly, Google says how much they will cut by saying, “Google estimates that self-driving vehicles could cut the 1.2 million lives lost every year due to car accidents in half.”(Dickey). This statistic shows how technology can help society by reducing deaths of people all around the world.If we use the Google car, deaths all over the world will be reduced by half. For example when drunk driving the google car can help you get to your destination much safer and not crashing your car.

My final reason technology can help society is that it can help in schools. In a piece about 10 fundamental reason that technology should be in education, John Page  explains how carrying a computer in your backpack is better than carrying textbooks. For example , John Page says, “Three textbooks and three binders easily weigh over 25lb. A laptop computer weighs about 5lb and provides access to infinitely more material via its own storage and the Internet. A 40Gb hard drive can hold 2 million pages with illustrations; the web is unfathomably large. Right now, students are getting back injuries lugging around a tiny subset of what they need in the form of black marks on slices of dead trees. And it's just static, boring text.”(Page). This statistic shows why carrying a computer is better than carrying a bunch of textbooks that weigh more and don't carry as much knowledge. Another example I have is when Ashley Wainwright says, ”If used correctly, will help prepare students for their future careers, which will inevitably include the use of wireless technology”. (Wainwright). This fact shows that technology can help society in future careers if used correctly. This supports why technology can help society because wasting a decent amount of money and having more space and access to articles and texts is better than carrying something heavy with limited space and information. This also supports my claim because if you use technology in good way in school you can help society if you get a good career.

As it is obvious that technology can help society, lots of other people think that technology can not help society because it can be used to help child predators. My evidence for this is when Pamela DeLoatch says, Improper use of technology can expose a child to numerous risks. Children who use technology may unwittingly share information that can put them in danger. In 82% of online sex crimes against children, the sex offenders used social networking sites to get information about the victim’s preferences.”(DELoatch). Although it is correct that minors are being bullied or kidnapped by child predators shows how inappropriately minors are using technology and this makes my argument stronger because you have to use technology in a good way to get something good and if you don't use technology in a good way these things can happen in the community. Clearly technology has a good impact in society and should be used in personal life, schools, and stop deaths per year.

While it's clear that technology can have a positive effect on society some might argue that technology has a bad impact in society because it can get you bad habits like bad sleep. For example, says, “Bad sleeping habits. One of the most noticeable things technology has done is disturb our sleeping habits. We stay up late, mesmerized by the screens and the personalities on the other sides of them. It’s easy to stay awake when there’s just one more text to send, just one more link to click, just one more funny video to find. The end result is bad sleep made even worse by the ways these screens alter our brain’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, in an unhelpful way”( # 1). However, this is a misguided conclusion. Just because people don't control how long they use technology does not necessarily mean that technology is bad in any way it just means you are using it inappropriately. Although it is true that people lose their sleep using technology late at night,this only makes my argument stronger because this shows how people use technology inappropriately these days. Regardless of what others argue,technology has a positive impact on society.

As you can see technology has a positive effect on society. Technology is important because it can help people communicate better continue their education as well as reunite and help reduce deaths each year, technology can also be useful in schools.In order for technology to be a good thing in society we must use technology in a good way,for example using it to communicate from different parts of the world,reuniting with old friends and continuing your education,also buying technology that can reduce deaths by half each year and using it to help your education in schools. If we do these things we can make technology be a good thing in society and not be a bad thing. In order for technology to be a good thing in society we must do the following steps. If you buy a computer or phone try using it for positive things like school calling your family far away. Also tech companies and cell phone companies should be able to block the usage of websites that give out personal information and should be able to monitor your device if you're chatting with people so they can't send anything that can help kidnappers. If we do these things technology will have a positive effect on society.

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