Thursday, March 24, 2016

No More Police Brutality- STEPHANIE AMEZCUA

“I am writing a blog about police brutality and I'm wondering if you could share your personal experiences with this issues. Could you spell your first and last name ?How old are you, and where do you go to school?" Mercedes stiffen , and answer "My name is Mercedes Amezcua. I am 16 year old, and I go to Mission High School."I smiled ,and questioned her  “Who have you met or been close to experience police brutality, and was their racial skin?”Mercedes replied  “One of my closest friends knew Alex Nieto, he was one of the cases who had been killed by a police officer. Alex Nieto is a 28 year old, and latino.”Mercedes friend , has been a victim of police brutality . With this experience, it could affect negatively a lot  to Alex family,but also, everybody from the community could be affected. What happened was Alex was wearing his security guard uniform walking. An officer saw him, and thought he was doing something wrong because he was a Latino walking "suspicious". So he shoot him a lot of times without verifying if he was doing something wrong. I moved my sit and ask her " What did you felt about this experience and how did this affect you?" She stayed there for a little while, and began talking " I felt shock, and sad when I heard this news. I never thought something bad would happen to him, and I thought he will have a bright future for all I heard good things about him. This affect on me by that this happened in San Francisco, and to hear someone bright get shot, because he look suspicious. "I agreed with her. You could feel the intensity in the air. My topic is going to be about Police Brutality. This is happening now in our generation. People who do not know what is police brutality means. It means when police use unnecessary physical abuse to people to fix the problem. The officer who killed Eric Garner should pay for his actions, because he use an illegal technique which is banned, killing someone based on his race is a crime, and lastly killing someone, because he look suspicious (profiling) without verifying Eric Garner is not right.

The first argument for that officer who killed Eric Garner should pay for his actions is that officer can’t do chokehold, because is illegal. In an article, Sean Davis informs that Daniel Pantaleo should be be held responsible for killing Eric Garner for many reasons. For instance, Sean Davis states, “ As the video shows, the officer clearly caused the death of Eric Garner, who was alive until the officer put him in a chokehold, a move which is banned by the NYPD for good reason.”( Davis Page 2)This fact confirms that the officer used a action that is illegal , which is chokehold, to a civil person. Another example, Shaun recalls "Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died from the police use of chokeholds, 12 of whom were black."(Shaun page 2)  This other statistics, show us that there been 16 death cause by a police use a chokeholds. This is crucial because it shows that there's been other death by officer using chokeholds, this is still continuing.  This support that argument that Officer who killed Eric Garner should pay their actions by showing us that officer use a action chokehold that you can’t do it to someone, because it’s been banned for a good reason. If the officer who did an illegal action to a civil person, then this could motivate others , and show how they can’t get arrested , because someone else did it.

Perhaps the most important reason for officer who killed Eric Garner should pay for his actions is that officers should not assume or suspect  if they are a danger to the community because of their skin color ,without knowing them. In an essay, Shaun discusses about the stereotypes (labels) that color people have, and that officer should have consequences for his actions, with many good reasons. Surprisingly, Shaun shares, “According to research by The Sentencing Project,  5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites. And even though African Americans and Latinos are only a quarter of the US population, they made up 58% of all prisoners in 2008.” (Shaun page 2) This statistic demonstrates how African- american and latinos get sent to prison for drugs crimes, even though they have a low population, and do not do drugs much as white americans. Sean Davis describes, "As the video shows ( note: it is incredibly disturbing, so watch at your own risk), he wasn't a serious threat to anyone. He carried no weapons. He did not shove or attack any police officers in such a way to be considered an immediate threat to their healthy and safety."(Sean Davis page 2) This information illustrates how it is in the real life, some people still stereotype any  people, by their race , looks, and more . This supports the argument that officer who killed Eric Garner should pay their actions, because that statistics tell us the people of color have been incarnation, even though they have low population in united states . If this fact changes , then there would be no longer discrimination, and all people would be treated equal.

One of the most significant argument for officer who killed Eric Garner should pay for his actions is that, the officer should be held responsible if they kill someone who is innocent, because is not fair to the person who ended their lives earlier, and is still a crime. In a piece about police brutality, Shaun unpacks stories that are true life about people who are innocent experienced police brutality, and how police brutality effects us. For instance, Shaun concludes ¨ Peter Moskos, a sociologist who became a cop for 20 months to study police, calls them “just because” charges, which often include vague, hard-to-prove things like “loitering¨ or “disorderly conduct.” (Shaun Ossei-Owusu page)  This fact shows how police uses this just because ¨charges”reason to defend their argument. To have no consequences. This confirms that  officer who killed Eric Garner should pay their actions because it shows how officers gets a lot of support from the system, and people civil don’t  get that much support . We have no power. Another piece of evidence, Sean Davis argues, ¨Officers swiftly attempt to arrest him while one cop applies what appears to be an unauthorized choke hold and slams Garner’s face into the ground. Garner, who was 6’3 and 350 lbs., suffered from asthma and can be heard on the clip pleading, ‘I can’t breathe!’ Seconds later Garner goes silent and police usher bystanders away from the scene. Garner died shortly after, reportedly from a heart attack that was caused by the incident, but the official cause of death is to be determined.” (Sean Davis page )This anecdote illustrates how Eric Garner was asking the officer to stop choking, because he couldn’t breath. This demonstrates the reason that  officer who killed Eric Garner should pay their actions is that  officer should be held responsible if they kill someone who is innocent, because is not fair to the person who ended their lives earlier, and is still a crime, because everyone has the opportunity to live, and have the right to talk without having any complications .Until this condition of officer getting a lot of support , then we would continue not having justice for the people who been experienced police brutality.

Even though Eric Garner had chargers with police is true. He has a criminal record therefore Eric Garner supposed to know the consequences of selling un-taxed cigarettes. For instance Jim Meyers statesGarner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests since 1980. He’d been arrested on charges including assault and grand larceny.( Meyers page 1)” However  this is irrelevant because the problem wasn’t about how many times he has been arrested, is about the officer treated unfairly to Eric Garner. The officer could of done another way to arrest him. Another way that could have kept him alive.

There has been argument that Eric Garner was dead because he did not have a healthy life. Surprisingly Jim Meyers concludes “ The choke hold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.(Meyers  page 1).” Even though people say that Eric Garner death was caused by his medical condition, this is unreliable  because the most cause by his death was that officer actions of doing choke hold. The officer should have been more careful to Eric Garner. It is a harmful way to make someone do what you want to do. Doing chokehold could kill anyone, even with who have no medical conditions.

It is clear that the officer who killed Eric Garner should pay for his  actions  because he use an illegal technique which is banned,  killing someone  based on his race is a crime ,and lastly killing someone , because he look suspicious (profiling) without verifying Eric Garner is not right. Police brutality is important because nowadays, Police brutality has been the topic people been talking about. In the past like 20 years ago police brutality wouldn’t be the famous  because it wouldn’t happen a lot. There has been  a lot of cases. You don’t want this to happen to you or one of the person you love.  People have been killed or abused from police. In order to stop police brutality, I propose that there should be laws that protect us civil from police brutality. Once a law is created that can help cases from police brutality, percent of police brutality would decrease immediately , and makes the community more safer.

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