Friday, March 25, 2016

Karen De Leon
Argumentative Blog Post
March 25, 2016
Cyber bullying Among teens around the world:
This is the story of a girl named Nicole that is victim of cyber bullying and that some teens have been and nobody sees because it is behind a screen and that’s why they make wrong decisions... One day she was celebrating her birthday at a concert with her friends and the music was too loud, she was  looking her facebook account that there were some teens that were sending text messages to her but she did not  know what they were talking about and she start looking for it and asking who were they and what they were arguing about and what was the issue with them . She was scared because she did not know who they were but the insults were coming and they were fouler,  they were horrible words like ¨whore¨“slut,” and “scared snitch.”. After 2 weeks she knew what the plan of them was and why were they doing that. She says that she did not have to do anything with what they were accusing her she was terrified and she could not find a way of how to stop that because she says “I always had my phone with me, and that made it impossible to escape from the horrific messages I was  receiving,” She says that bullying ruined her social life, she start believing what they were telling her and she also but she lost trust in many others who were involved in spreading rumors about her, her parents contacted the school about it but the school was not prepared to help and handle with this kind of situations. She start responding the messages but they did care about it and the text messages  start increasing more and more. She start ignoring those text messages and before he looked at them she erase them after 2 years  “Nicole would be helping other teen victims of cyber bullying. Shawn formed the Great American NO BULL Challenge, with Nicole as the campaign’s spokesperson. Speaking to kids about her cyber bullying experience has been healing for Nicole. “This has allowed me to stop running from my past,” Nicole says. “Instead of letting others tear me down, I’m able to live my life to the fullest while inspiring others to do the same. I am seeing how powerful it can be to stand up to cyberbullies.” Some teens that were bullied to Nicole were not been silenced yet , Finally one of her tormentors tell her that he wanted to apologize for been accusing her for something she had nothing to do with. Cyber bullies need to have greater  consequences so they know that  bullying is  wrong and that we need to stop it

There are many reasons why schools should give consequences for cyberbullying and I’m going to describe/tell one of them this is important because it can costs many live and it also may hurt some people hurts
One of them is that some of them might take a wrong decision by killing themselves but if school do something to stop it they can think and say “wait a minute I don’t care what this guys are talking about I’m going to follow my dreams and don’t let this guys win me and put me down for things they are saying” and there is no need for them to kill themselves because they are going to know what to do by the time they are being victims. For me this means that if school and families can talk to their kids about this they can react and know what to do when others are bullying them so we can help them and they can help others and help them by telling them that there is an issue in here that we can deal with… I think this matter to all of us ‘cause now all those teens are suffering by that and people can’t see that cause is behind a screen and they should be doing something so teens can open their mouths and says the true in here. For example here I read the article and I found a girl that was suffering cyber bullying “Rebecca Ann Sedwick, 12, would probably say cyber bullying is horrible – the embarrassment happens in front of an audience of the entire World Wide Web. But she can't. Rebecca climbed to the top of a building near her home and jumped to her death. She had texted a friend that she couldn't take it anymore.”
However, the consequences of cyber bullying can be just as terrible. Immediate consequences can include feelings of fear, dread or anger. Oftentimes, these immediate, feelings can turn into serious mental health issues like depression. In some cases, people feel so hopeless from the bullying that they turn to suicide.  Some people might say “My daughter can deal with it she is not going to kill herself for something is not even true I don't  think that can hurt her/him if she knows that is not true” but there is evidence for it and some parents might not know that because I also  found something that revels this  
"So they are trying to address the kinds of violent speech that can lead students to suicide."

Another reason why school should give consequences for cyberbullying is because it teaches teens that they did something wrong and if they do not stop that they think they can bully others, this lead  teenagers to make more bullying there are many ways to stop cyberbullying people need to help them so they stop bullying their peers and learn how to take care each others.
This means for me that teenagers are bringing more bully to the word and that nobody see that and try to stop it. “Every Facebook post or cellphone message can carry bullying messages. The bullies in the past could be avoided, but the bullies now can reach their target anywhere.  For example Rebecca's horrible bullying went on for months. She was homeschooled for a time, then transferred to another school. The bullies followed on her smartphone. One example of this is a high school student who played soccer. He was a goalie who was bullied on Facebook after allowing the winning goal in a major soccer game. His teammates stood up for him by posting a photo of him making a huge save in another game.
For this other people might say “Teens can’t bully someone else they are maybe just playing It’s just a game for teens they are just playing  each other like everyone else there is no issue with it and I don’t think there is any app where they can bully each others.”
"Most parents don't have a clue about how these social media sites and apps work, so some training there would be in order," says Suzanne Bogdan, an education expert.

The last  reason is that, because parents think there is no cyberbullying among them. Since cyberbullying is done by  using a computer, this means it happens behind a screen and cannot been seen as  is doing the bullying. “Too many parents, however, ignore their children's online behavior or say that their kids could never be bullies. Cyberbullying is often taken less seriously than regular bullying, because it happens behind a screen from one’s home.” Cyberbullying Presents Unique Challenges
Many people say  “I have not seen a teen  bullying other that is not true and I have shown my childrens  how to treat someone else and how to be respect full.”
Evidence for counterargument: Parents remain one of the best ways to prevent cyberbullying.

Counterargument: Some people might say “my daughter can deal with it she is not going to kill herself for something is not even true I don't  think that can hurt her/him if she knows that is not true”

School should give consequences for cyber bullying  because  Parents do not agree with it and think that there is no cyber bullying among them, as cyber bullying is using a computer that means is behind a screen and can not see who is doing the bullying. All of us should take care about this problem among teenagers, because if we don’t take care about this it is going to be more bigger and we are going to lose the control and the only thing we need is control it so people don’t die and they stop being victims of this. I want people to start taking action on this problem of cyber bullying and help other so they know they are safe and nothing can happen to them if  they stand up and speak up for themselves and also realize that there is a problem with teenagers now in the world and that we need to find a solution and also parents don´t ignore what your child is trying to tell you and try to understand them so they know what to do and they do not make wrong decisions , I also want to say that I am willing to help any persons who is victim of this and help them.

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