Thursday, March 24, 2016

Deadly Chokehold by Alvin Yu

Image result for cartoon chokehold

Early in the afternoon Eric Garner was walking around in a store at 202 Bay street when  suddenly New York Police Department (NYPD)officers approached on him in suspicion of selling “loosies” from packs without tax stamps, Eric Garner said he wasn’t selling cigarettes,and suddenly the officer put garner’s wrist around his back,then officer Pantaleo put his arm around Garner’s neck then he pushed Garner’s head onto the ground and four police officers came to restrain Eric Garner. The officer who killed Eric Garner should be held responsible because the officer used chokehold on him which was banned already in New York (NY),Eric Garner wasn’t doing anything wrong that time and they kill innocent people and people of color.

One of the most powerful reason(s) why the officer who killed Garner should be held responsible is that the officer used chokehold on him which was banned already in NY. In his article about Police brutality,Jim Meyers describes about chokeholds aren´t allowed in NY anymore. For instance Jim Meyers says, “Chokeholds are not allowed, but officers still use them in New York City. There were 1,128 chokehold charges between 2009-2014”(5). Fact shows that chokehold was really been banned by NY City. This shows why the police officer who killed Eric Garner should be held responsible because the officer who killed Garner used chokehold on him.   

In his article,Mark Marc Santora explains how the police officers killed Garner. For instance,Mark Marc Santora explains, “It says officers acted ‘recklessly and negligently’ in wrestling him to the ground using a chokehold, a procedure that has long been banned by the department”(4). This anecdote shows that the police didn’t just choke Garner to death but before that they wrestled him to the ground too. This shows why police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible because chokehold is banned and the officers wrestled Garner to the ground too.

One of the most powerful reason(s) why the officer who killed Eric Garner should be held responsible is that Eric Garner wasn’t doing anything bad. In his article about police brutality,Sean Davis describes what Eric Garner is doing before he was getting arrested. For instance, Sean Davis says, “He wasn’t a serious threat to anyone. He didn’t have a weapon. He did not attack the police officers or threaten their safety”(6).This Information shows  that Eric Garner is innocent. This shows why the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible because he didn’t do anything bad to the police or something.

One of the most important reason(s) why the police officer who killed eric garner should be held responsible is that they kill mostly innocent people and people of color. In his article about Police brutality, SHAUN OSSEI-OWUSU explains how police officers mostly kill people of color and innocent people. For instance,SHAUN OSSEI-OWUSU says, “Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died from the police use of chokeholds and 12 of them were black”(4), This fact shows that police officers mostly kill people of color. This supports the argument that police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible because
Garner was a people of color too and this evidence shows that people of color mostly get killed.

While it’s clear that the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible ,some people might argue that police officers who killed Garner should not be held responsible because Garner has  been arrested many times before. For instance,Jim Meyers  states, “Garner had over 30 arrests. He’d been arrested for hurting people and stealing¨. While it’s true that he got arrested more than 10 times before,this does nothing to prove that the police who killed Garner should not be held responsible,just because he got arrested a lot of times before doesn’t mean that the police should not be held responsible also bringing up his past on being arrested doesn’t prove anything that the police officers who killed Garner should not be held responsible. Clearly,the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible.

White it’s clear that the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible ,some people might argue that the police officers who killed Garner should not be held responsible because chokeholds are legal if you’re a police and arresting someone. For instance,Bob McManus states, “chokeholds are not illegal when used during a lawful arrest in New York. Nobody would say that Eric Garner shouldn’t have been arrested. He was breaking the law”. Just because chokeholds are legal during lawful arrest doesn’t mean that the police who killed him is not responsible. Clearly,the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible.

It is clear that the police officers who killed Garner should be held responsible. The problem of police brutality is important because it's a bad and a lot of people died because of police brutality. In order to stop police brutality,I propose that we should make police brutality illegal except if that person is really doing harmful to anyone or that person killed someone. As long as we make this happen,everyone should be safe if this happens.

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