Thursday, March 24, 2016

#Black Lives Matter by Melissa Croda

In an interview about police brutality, Vacariyon Johnson, explains about his cousin who was killed by a cop in December 2015. “Yes, his name was “Mario Woods” he was my cousin. He only came to my house one time for Easter. Then when it came to x-mas we heard the bad news (only one family member)! Vacariyon  Johnson, a 8th grader in Everett Middle School , who had a cousin who was shot by a police on December, 2015. Question: What would you do if you were the one about to be killed by a cop? “I would stop the weapon and do what the cops say so I don’t  have any trouble. Also I would ask someone,”Film what’s going on for evidence!” If he was the one who was about to be killed by a cop I would obey them and ask to film what’s going on, (audience). He was sad from the news he got about his cousin and felt like if he could have done something if he knew that his cousin died earlier not once it happened after a few days later.

Eric Garner was a 43 year old father who was a African American male who was “accidently” killed by a N.Y.P. since of a choke hold incident that lasted 15-19 seconds. Eric Garner case was not the only case that had a incident that involved a cop, using the choke hold technique. The N.Y.P. should be held responsible for Eric Garner’s case, why? Since the cop who used the choke hold technique was already banned and also lead Eric Garner to his death. One important reason why police should be held responsible is because one of the officers used a choke hold technique which was already banned.For example, in  an article published by,”NBC News 4,” According to,”Channel 4 News,”it states that Eric Garner was killed by officer Daniel Pantelo (officer that should be held responsible for Eric Garner’s death). When the text said, “The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.” This perspective shows that using the choke hold technique can kill someone, mostly someone with health problems too).

In an article, Adam Chandler discusses about Eric Garner and the relationship between police and people of    color. For instance in an article published by Adam Chandler. When the text said,"Nobody unarmed should die on a New York City street corner for suspected low-level offenses. I’m shocked by this grand jury decision, and will be calling on the Department of Justice to investigate.In Washington, President Obama alluded to the Garner case as he spoke to a Tribal Nations Conference. He said he had been briefed by Attorney General Eric Holder and reiterated his administration's commitment to strengthening the relationship between communities and police.” (Chandler 1). This information demonstrates that people like Eric Garner should have not died due to cops and should have had chances to let their voice out rather than letting their life go by so soon. If cops and people of color got along and did not have to include violence then no one would have to go to court, be going to funerals and have be free. #Black Lives Matter.

Most people can agree with me that police should be held responsible for Eric Garner’s death. In an article published by Radley Balko, When the text said, “ Yesterday’s protests were not only huge, they were diverse. That is, they included a lot of white people — people for whom the problems in the criminal justice system weren’t already obvious. Eric Garner’s death has convinced a lot of people that the laws need to be changed. It’s safe to say that the video is a big reason why.” (Radley Balko 1). In this piece of evidence during a protest, mostly people had a big impact on Eric Garner’s case and all of them said that the law SHOULD be changed according to NY daily news shows a photo of Eric being choked by a officer, (Balko 1).

While it’s obvious, that police should be held responsible, some people might believe that I’m wrong that I’m going in the side that police should be responsible for taking someone’s life but even though that person (Eric Garner), did made choices that were illegal and not right but life is all about making mistakes and you learn from them but not learning your lesson dead, learning your lesson free and alive. However, this is a ridiculous argument, just because the officer who “killed” Eric Garner did use a technique that he learned during practice which was banned but Eric Garner did not just only died because he couldn’t breathe it was also because he had many health problems. In reality Eric Garner did not harm anyone, evidence from,”News 4,” Shows a video of the  choke hold incident and also Eric Garner shouting,’ I can’t breathe!’(News 4, 1). For this reason police should be held responsible, for example of someone life lost.

As you can see, police should be held responsible for the following reason. For example in the Eric Garner case one of the officers use a technique that was already banned (have killed many people using that technique). Police Brutality is important because the relationship between people of color and cops is not fair since so many cops have killed innocent people of color and  were also un-armed, had no force to defend themselves because one move will make the officer seem like you are suspicious and then maybe lead them to death. In order to make #Black Lives Matter be heard to cops  we must let our voice be heard and speak out the truth. Until then let this message be heard and continue the path of freedom.

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