Thursday, March 24, 2016

For the most part, i've never seen the police use violence with my own eyes. Every encounter i've had with them, it’s always gone well.   “Hey pig, *oink, oink*” my friend yelled aloud to the SFUSD cop car from the `sidewalk.  The trooper’s vehicle Stopped and pulled over to talk. “Why You gotta be so mean?” The officer said. Still, My friend kept Doing his *oink Oink* gag.“I'm a pig?” The officer asked, “Boy You're fatter than Shamoo. Grow Some Hair on your chest and get a girlfriend.” The officer responded to his taunts as he drove away. For The next few days after that incident, he's been the squad Roast. All in all, I'm not saying There isn't Police brutality, Racism. or corruption in our Judicial system, but there's always a reason to why Police Brutality happens, as in the Eric Garner case. Eric Garner, a 43 year old, 6 foot, 350 pound African American man who died caused by a choke hold from A New York City policeman named Daniel Pantaleo because he resisted arrest. I believe he should not be responsible because Eric Garner had Health problems, he resisted arrest and it was a complete accident.

One compelling reason why the officers should not be responsible for his death is because he resisted arrest. On the date of July 17th, 2014, a man Named Eric Garner was detained for selling untaxed cigarettes. As being detained, he began raising his voice and aggravating the situation which lead the officers to put him into custody. As the officers approached Garner, He can be seen swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!" which lead the officer to putting him into a chokehold and led to his death. This account shows that if he had never resisted arrest, there wouldn't be a death. The officers gave him many chances, It is 100% Eric Garner's fault that he perished.

Another reason why Police should not be responsible is because it was a obvious accident. It's not like the officer intentionally woke up that day wanting to kill someone, even in that moment. Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused." It wasn't intentional, Just as said in the evidence.

The last and final reason why they shouldn’t be responsible is because Eric Garner had previous Health problems. According to the article “11 things you didn't know about the Eric Garner case.” It states that “The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials  argued that poor health was the main cause of his death.”  The chokehold wasn't the main cause, he suffered from many other health problems. This means that It was his own fault that he died. Eric Garner knew that he had these problems, and he aggravated the situation which was a main factor to his death.

Opposing from my claim, others might think that the police had abused their power in the situation yet there were 228,000 misdemeanor arrest in 2013 and Eric Garner's case was the first to have a death. So Much for the ¨police are out of control.¨ statement. In Eric Garner's case they used the correct force to take down a 300 pound man resisting arrest.

Some might believe that the chokehold in Eric Garner's case is illegal, but you probably didn't know that in the state of new york chokeholds are allowed when one is resisting arrest. There's a crucial fact for you.

In conclusion, It's obvious that the police officers that accidently killed Eric Garner should not be responsible for his death and shouldn't be punished for it. This Is an a Important topic, it's the 21st century and police are everywhere. They are a big part of society and our lives, they can determine if we are going to be locked in a cell for life or not. The Judicial system isn't perfect, there's probably some police brutality that hasn't been mentioned publicly but to stop that from happening i believe that officers should have body cams on their uniforms. This Would 100% eliminate all brutality. Even if officers wanted to try something physical and illegal, they wouldnt even dare to try because they´ll second thought their actions.

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