Thursday, March 24, 2016

Eric or the Cops?- Juan Garcia


         “I think we should build empathy between both sides of the problem. I knew Alex Nieto he was a childhood friend my students that experienced it. If I was somebody affected by police brutality I would tell my story to gain as many allies as possible.”This was an interview that Naomi answered to.Her family knew Alex Nieto. They were all hurt because of what happened,if this wasn’t for police brutality, this would’ve never happened.But they were only doing they’re job.

      I think that it was okay for the cops to act that way because  had been arrested lots of times before why  they use excessive violence in the text called 11 facts about the Eric garner case the media won’t tell you it says30 arrests since 1980. He’d been arrested on charges including assault and grand larceny. “ and in another text Blame only the man how tragically decided to resist it says” Eric Garner was a career petty criminal who’d experienced dozens of arrests, but had learned nothing from them.He was on the street July 17, selling untaxed cigarettes one at a time” this clearly shows how he has been known for many in the past.

       Eric had many health problems that may have caused his death for instance in the text “11 facts about the\Eric Garner case the media won’t tell you” it says “suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea.” it show he has really bad health problems.And in another text called “Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist” said “Garner suffered from several medical issues — advanced diabetes, plus heart disease and asthma so severe that either could have killed him.” Which shows all the health problems he had it can be one of the reasons that caused his death.That isn’t the polices fault.

         And plus Eric decided to resist and you think they’d use excessive violence? In the text “Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist” the text says “he decided to resist. “This ends here,” he shouted, and he began struggling with the arresting officer.” Which clearly shows he didn’t want to be arrested.He was struggling screaming resisting it’s like i  f he wanted them to act that way.Eric made a mistake he was the main problem you and in another text”11 facts about the Eric Garner case the media won’t tell you” it says “incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

People say it was unfair that he died for selling untaxed cigarettes in the text it said “No, his apparent crime was selling cigarettes without paying taxes on them. And for that, he was killed.”Well i kinda agree but still it’s against the law he had done it many times before.I think we should well forget this to many people it’s a sign of racism but they have the wrong idea.We have to stop violence but still they were only there job

         And yes using a choke hold is illegal in those states but they were doing there job.In the text it said “As the video shows, the officer clearly caused the death of Eric Garner, who was alive until the officer put him in a choke hold, a move which is banned by the NYPD for good reason.” I think it was okay for the police to act that way.Plus he had been arrested many times before.

I think the police should not be held responsible for Eric Garners death.This may be an issue but it can happen to anyone. I think we should stop police brutality.But then again the police are only doing there job.The police need better training so they won’t use the choke hold.Police brutality is a bad thing but just think about it would you use excessive violence on a man that has been arrested more than 30 times.

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