Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cyberbullying- Norshen L.

Rebecca Ann Sedwick was 12 years old who experienced a lot of cyberbullying from other people. And that she would say that cyberbullying is horrible. So she had been bullied from 14 and 12 girls. She texted her friend that she couldn't handle it any more and so she  just killed herself by climbing a high building and jumping off from it. Tennagers are being bullied a lot. They mostly  get bullied in school. The bullying send mean word to the student that is being bullied. They send  by internet and other devices just to make fun of them. Bullying goes mostly by the age of 12 to 18 because the person that is bullying just want to the other person just for a reason. School should stop cyberbullying by giving rules and also to see who is doing cyberbullying so they could stop that person from doing it. Also by having police in their school and so they could tell them stop bullying or to go through bullies account. Or also they could be punished for doing that.
Image result for thing to do to stop cyberbullyingImage result for thing to do to stop cyberbullying

One important reason why cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death is because the cyberbully can hide behind a fake username. In an article published on newspaper, the author explain that cyberbullying is bad and that it can hide behind a fake username. Also the  person being attacked does not know who the bullies are. For example,  Devan Munn explains, “ One reason cyberbullying can be worse than bullying before computers is that it can hide the bully’s identity behind a username. This means the person being attacked does not know who the bullies are, making the situation even more frightening and harder to report”Cyberbullying Presents Unique Challenges. This evidence shows that the person that is being cyberbullying does not know who the bullies are or is can hide bullies. This support the argument that cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death because the person that is being attacked will not know who is cyberbullying him and they can keep doing it until the other person kill himself or to do something stupid to himself.

Image result for thing to do to stop cyberbullying

Second reason why cyberbullying is bad is and it can lead people to death is because cyberbullying  can have a big impact on others or it leads people to death to death. Also it can hurt others. In an article published on newspaper, it explain that Rebecca killed herself because a lot of people where bullying her and so she killed herself. For example, the they  say, But she can't. Rebecca climbed to the top of a building near her home and jumped to her death. She had texted a friend that she couldn't take it anymore.Cyberbullying Calls for New Weapons”1. This information explain that Rebecca killed herself because many girls were talking trash about her and she couldn't handle it. This support the claim that cyberbullying is bad and that it can have a big impact on people because she didn't know who the girl were that were bullying her. And so she wanted to know who were cyberbullying her, but she could not know who they were. And so she just killed herself.  

The third reason why cyberbullying is bad and it can have a big impact on people is because they make fun of people they don’t even know including younger kids just to get a laugh out of it. In an article published on newspaper, they explain that the bullies just send bad word to people that they don't even know. And that they just text them to make fun of them or to hurt their feeling. For example, they  says, “Then, the sheriff in her town filed criminal charges against the girls, 14 and 12, who bullied Rebecca. On social media, one called her ugly and told her to drink bleach and die”Cyberbullying Calls for New Weapons 1. The information shows that Rebecca can not handle all this by herself and so it is really hard to handle 14 girls that are bullying her. This shows why cyberbullying is bad and that it can lead to death because Rebecca jumped off to her death because of the girls that were cyberbullying her.

While it’s clear that cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death or to have big impact on their lives, some might argue that cyberbullying is good thing to do and it is okay because  they will think that they are joking , playing, and also having some fun when they are doing cyberbullying. For instance, Devan Munn
argues,   One reason cyberbullying can be worse than bullying before computers is that it can hide the bully’s identity behind a username. This means the person being attacked does not know who the bullies are, making the situation even more frightening and harder to report”Cyberbullying Presents Unique Challenges. However, this is a fallacious assumption because students who are cyberbullied can feel bad for themselves. This argument belief wrong because they think cyberbullying is good. In truth, cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death. Even though cyberbullying is bad, this is not as important as killing people or killing yourself. The fact that cyberbullying reveals death, which support my argument that cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death. As you can see that cyberbullying is not a good thing to do because it can affect others.

It is clear that cyberbullying is bad and it can lead people to death. This topic is important because people or student are going and killing themselves  because they think that they are different and they should not be living. In order to cyberbullying, schools must give rules about it. If students don't follow the rules, then they should be punished.  

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