Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cellphone Controversy by Aranzazu robles

Cellphone Controversy

So the government has been spying on us because in the samsung phones there is a chip in the back of the battery that it has for the government to be able to see what we are doing with our phones and what we have. Nobody knew about it until now and like two people that I know have a samsung phone and they didn’t know about it until now because nobody was aware about it because the government never told anybody about it. So what i’m going to talk about today is about having privacy or security. The government should not have the power to see what we have in our phones. Everybody has the right to have  their privacy, because otherwise there would be less freedom. they would have so i’m going to say my three reasons on why the government shouldn’t get much more power than us and on how people are going to have their own privacy.     

The first reason why people should have their own privacy instead of having somebody seeing what they are doing if the government is looking at their data is that people may not say what they want to say because they’ll think the government might punish them - even if the government won’t because in a piece about privacy vs security, Ariel Dorfman explains on how the citizens of Chile have to be careful on what they are saying because if they say something that would become a problem and somebody is spying on what they are doing or saying then the government would have to take them to a concentration camp where they would be slaves or be getting killed. For example when Ariel says “Now fear haunted our every word. Not knowing who might be listening, each phrase was guarded, cautious, obscure, full of allusions and double meanings. “I heard Amanda's father is in the hospital,” AngĂ©lica said, relaying that the singer and political activist Victor Jara had been arrested. “In intensive care?” I asked, wondering if they'd killed him. “The doctors won't say,” she replied. And so it went. ( Dorfman 2 ). This perspective shows that anybody can be afraid of what they are saying because somebody would be spying on them and if they say the wrong thing then the government would have to do something about it just like how it happened in Chile. This demonstrates the argument that People are going to have their own privacy instead of having somebody see what they are doing if the government is looking at their data because people won’t have the freedom to say what they want to say because of someone having to be spying on what they are doing in their lives.

The second reason why people should have their own privacy instead of having somebody see what they are doing if the government is looking at their data is that the government could get too much power and abolish free speech because in a piece about privacy vs security, Ariel Dorfman explains on how the government could get to much power collecting a lot of information and on how nowadays there is eavesdroppers on our technology so like anybody can be listening to us to whatever we are saying. For example, Ariel Dorfman says, ’’I am not so naive or dumb as to ignore the many past examples when the U.S. government spied on its citizens and harassed them with information illegally obtained.But there is nothing that compares with the unbelievable spying power that the U.S. government has today. The fact that technology now allows eavesdroppers to collect every conversation, every personal exchange, every secret or joke should make Americans tremble in fear. Tremble not only because the potential for abuse is so enormous, but also because such suffocating spying will eventually do massive damage to our free expression - just like in my homeland of Chile.’’ ( Dorfman 2,3 ). This information shows that everybody won’t have the freedom to speak or do something because now that today there is eavesdroppers so anybody could be spying on us right now on what we are saying or even doing and that everybody should be careful on what they do so they can be safe and nothing would happen to them.This supports the argument that the government should be stop from getting our information and even having people help the government on getting our information and spying on us because everybody has to need to their own privacy and not having the government having security help him out.     

The final reason why people are going to have their own privacy instead of having somebody see what they are doing if the government is looking at their data is that the government would have any information that he has gotten from people and the people won’t know what kind of information they could have gotten from them because in a piece about privacy vs security, Rand Paul,Matt Kibbe,Ken Cuccinelli explains on how the programs that the government has on trying to see what we have in our phones should be taken off because nobody agreed with it and also that any information that was collected from people should be deleted because they didn’t have permission to get our data. For instance, Rand Paul says, “We are requesting the court conclude and rule that the collection of Americans' telephone metadata without a good reason to believe someone is actually guilty of doing something wrong violates the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We hope the judges in the court will require that these programs be stopped immediately and that all the data that was previously collected by the government be removed.” (Paul 3).This information demonstrates that even other people want the government to stop his programs having to see what we are doing because nobody said yes to that and nobody agreed with it and also nobody knew about it.   

While it’s obvious If you say it’s better having privacy and no security then you will not be safe but if you want to have security and not having privacy then you will be saved and everybody in your community will be saved too because somebody will be be keeping us safe from what will be happening. Yes that might be true but actually if we have security then everybody would have to keep it real on what they are saying or even doing because somebody is keeping their eyes on every one of us and they would know every step that each and everyone is taking so then everybody would have to be careful on what they are doing or saying

While it’s clear that People are going to have their own privacy instead of having somebody see what they are doing if the government is looking at their data, others might say that the government could look at our stuff and data because it could protect us from the terrorist that could be around us and we could sleep being safe while the government is taking care of the dangerous stuff that is happening around us instead of having privacy and having the government not having to spy and protecting us. Yes the government could keep us safe from the terrorist and protecting us but they could get any information from us like any word we are saying and could do any stuff with it no matter what it can be it can be anything like a secret, a joke, a personal exchange, and any other thing that we might say.

People will have to need their privacy instead of having somebody to check on what we are doing or our data, this is because people would want to have their own privacy instead of having the government see our stuff and also i know that the government is trying to protect us from terrorist but also he shouldn't just spy on us without the citizens knowing because he could be collecting any information that we have in our phones, everybody should care about this because the government never told us anything about it and just kept it a secret from us until now that everybody knows that the government is collecting information from us yes to keep us safe but no for not telling us he could keep us safe but also he can’t just not tell us because the government could get any information from us then everybody won’t have the freedom to even speak not even me,you and anybody else in the world.If everybody gets together then the government could maybe listen to our ideas about it without people not having their ideas listened to because the government should tell us first instead of not telling us because then there could be problem about it.     

Dorfman,Ariel. “When a government spies on its citizens:lessons from Chile” Los Angeles Times.Los Angeles Times, 30 May 2015.Web. 29 February 2016
Paul,Rand,Kibbe,Matt,and Cuccinelli Ken. “Stop the NSA while we still can” CNN.CNN, 14 February 2014.Web. 23 February 2016                        

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