Thursday, March 24, 2016

Video Games Don't Cause Violence!! By:Matthew De Guzman

BAM!BAM!PEW!PEW!GRENADE!”F*CK! this piece of SH*T. I can’t get my last f*cking knife kill before I get F*’CKING DIAMOND CAMO”I thought to myself in my head. That was the only thing Matthew said in his room. ”I wish that FREAKING TREYARCH would use magic and give me diamond camo.” When I was 10,I learned how to play video games like Call of Duty. I have been playing for 3 years so far,and I have not used violent behaviours. People tell me that video games cause violent behaviours,but I tell them that I have never used violent behaviours even though I have played Call of Duty,Grand Theft Auto,Mortal Kombat,ect. (They are all violent video games.) I will be writing about what I think about violent video games. I believe that violent video games don’t cause violent behaviours. My reasons are video games help your hand eye coordination,parents believe that video games cause violence, and lastly,some video games do not cause violent behaviours.

First,I will explain how video games help your hand-eye coordination. ”In 2014, University of Toronto researchers conducted two experiments on gamers (who had regularly played first-person shooter games for the previous six months) versus non gamers (who had played few or no games in the previous two years). One experiment had them use a computer mouse to keep an object at the center of a complicated (and repeating) moving target. They found that everyone did pretty terrible at the beginning, but the gamers eventually became significantly better at the repetitive movement. This implies that gamers aren't provided an "initial advantage" when it comes to learning new hand-eye coordination tasks, but that they eventually pick it up more easily (University of Toronto).” This means that people who play fps(First-Person Shooter) games are good at focusing on moving objects. This supports my claim that video games do not cause violent behaviours.

Second,I will be explaining why parents think video games cause violence. Video games and killers have been connected in the media since the 1990s. In 1997, 16-year-old Evan Ramsey brought a shotgun to his Alaska high school and shot four people, killing two. He played a lot of the sci-fi horror game "Doom," in which you have to shoot a character many times before he dies. Ramsey later explained he was surprised to find that rule did not apply in real life (Jaccarino). This quote means that one person was involved in the violent video games. This matters because most people are killing people because of video games maybe out of rage.

Lastly,my reason is:some video games do not cause violent behaviours.” Another 2013 study found that violent video games such as ‘Mortal Kombat,’ ‘Halo,’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto’ did not trigger violence  in teenagers with symptoms of depression or attention deficit disorder.” . This means that people that are depressed don’t trigger violence. This is important because people that are depressed probably didn’t have any violent behaviours.

Video games cause violence. This counterargument is incorrect because video games actually improve your eyesight. Therefore, video games don’t cause violence,but help you.

Video games don’t help you. This is incorrect because video games actually helps your hand eye coordination and your reflexes. Therefore,video games don’t cause violence.

Video games do not cause violence behaviours. People should care about this because people need video games to calm them down. We need people that are depressed to play video games. If we do this many lives will be saved from shootings.

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