Thursday, March 24, 2016

Another Life Lost!!. David Vigueras

Another Life Lost!!
                                                                             Research notes
                                                                                   Tree map
If you were the family of Eric Garner do you think it's his fault or the police fault that he died who is Eric Garner he was born on september\15\1970 he was for 43 at that time he had a lot of health problems like diabetes and asthma even though he was a bad guy more than 30 arrest of assault and resisting arrest he was also a father of a 3 month old baby. I was 12 when my older brother accompanied his best friend. He didn't know what would happen next after.They loaded the back of the pickup truck with boxes. Then they drove from Acapulco to a nearby village without knowing he was being deceived. they were almost to the village when the road patrol stopped them and made a check and ask the guy what were in those boxes. They were clothes and toys for kids in that village my brothers best friend said until they opened  the boxes found weed and cocaine and guns on those boxes they arrested them both it was a surprise for my brother and also for the officers they got slammed on the floor by 5 officers and then put handcuffs real tight but it wasn't his fault he trusted his best friend. His sentence was 1 and a half year in prison. They should've just done that to Eric Garner then to put him in an illegal choke hold. In my opinion I think that it was the police fault that Eric Garner died.   

The police should be held responsible because they were using and illegal choke hold that was banned a while ago in 1998 when they used it on a African-American cause death by the N.Y.P.D. What that is saying that is that the police was not following orders and used the force instead of calming him down and not using an illegal chokehold that was also used in a African-American. “As the video shows, the officer clearly caused the death of Eric Garner, who was alive until the officer put him in a chokehold, a move which is banned by the N.Y.P.D. for good reason. “(Davis 2 )enforcement’s use of chokeholds was so common that the issue came up before the Supreme Court. Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died from the police use of chokeholds, 12 of whom were black.  LAPD police chief Daryl Gates was criticized after he stated¨. What this is trying to say is that the police has used this before and it went bad they also used it in African-American people that were 12 of those victims that are now 13.

Sometimes people could get killed for the dumbest things ever, like Eric Garner  he got  killed for just selling illegal cigarettes that were not paid with taxes. If I was the policeman,I would've just given him a fine for selling the cigarettes but instead no u have to go to  straight violence. “No, his apparent crime was selling cigarettes without paying taxes on them. And for that, he was killed.”(Davis 1) what Davis  is saying that he got killed for the apparent reason of just selling cigarettes on the st or corner.In my opinion thz no reason to kill somebody in such a cruel way what this is saying that eric garner died for no reason so that's why it's the police fault that eric garner died nobody else but them.

¨I can't breath”were the words that were used when eric garner was on the floor in a choke hold he also was saying words like”I can’t breath more than 10 times”and then he fainted on the floor and they were not paying attention to him.My evidence for this is.  “chokehold and slams Garner’s face into the ground. Garner, who was 6’3 and 350 lbs. suffered from asthma and can be heard on the clip pleading, “I can’t breathe!” Seconds later Garner goes silent and police usher bystanders away from the scene. Garner died shortly after, reportedly from a heart attack that was caused by the incident,but the official cause of death is to be determined.(Davis 1)What this is saying is that the police had him on the chokehold while eric garner was screaming and saying I can't breath he didn't only say it 1 time he said it 10 times thz a lot in my opinion it would. Even though eric garner did had a lil bit of fault in the problem u know because he was resisting arrest and  not listening to the officer.not listening that's why the police have tom used the force and be aggressive and choke home but i bet was intention was not to kill him just to make him faint  stupid if he had like some headphones on his ears so he didn't hear him.what the evidence is saying is that the policeman got him from behind and choked him and not only that but also slammed his face on the ground hardly you could see it in the video ad there was no need for that you know.

Even though Eric Garner did had a lil bit of fault in the problem u know because he was resisting arrest and not listening to the officer that has happened before one sum of his arrest. not listening that's why the police have tom used the force and be aggressive and choke home who was the guy that choke him Daniel Pantaleo a 29 year old man that barely started on but i bet was intention was not to kill him just to make him faint.what the evidence is saying is that the policeman got him from behind and choked him and not only that but also slammed his face on the ground hardly you could see it in the video ad there was no need for that you know .Why we should just listen to the police and not be mean just stay cool and pay attention and everything will be ok.and also Nobody knew that he had a lot of probs like asthma diabetes etc instead of resisting and saying ¨that's enough...¨ he should've just listen and next time if there is a case like this  people should just listen and use there brain and try not to enter in panic or act though.It's the police fault that eric garner was killed  because he wasn't doing anything bad just for tryna sell some untaxed cigarettes/ or stopping a fight thz all he did bad but nooo  you had to kill him what a cruel world i bet every time we get  new life we lose a life it's just how life is but there was no reason to do that

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