Thursday, March 24, 2016

Why Us? by kimberly pacheco

It’s not fair that the police beat up innocent people for no reason,Aremi pacheco a 10th grader, at ICA (Immaculate Conception Academy), Aremi had a friend that got beat up by a police officer. She was walking to school with a friend, happily talking about life and the struggles. They walked past a cop, who seemed to be looking for something. Suddenly, the cop came towardś them and started grabbing her friend angrily, beating him, and then tasing him until he was lifeless. People around Aremi and her friend saw what was happening and starting to come over to get the police officer off of her friend. This happened to Eric Garner an African American male that stood in a store doing nothing in still an officer came and told him to put his hand behind him and Eric Garner refuses to put his hand on his back so the officer took his hand and choked him. The officer that killed Eric Garner should be held responsible because killing Eric Garner using illegal object and  is not right to kill innocent people, and assuming people that they are dangerous.

One argument is that officer that killed Eric Garner should be held responsible because killing him using an illegal method from the officers, officers are not allowed to use chokeholds because  they were banned in 1993 from chokeholds this is a  reason that is talking about the officers using illegal things that they are not to mostly use, well in this article is say,Police use of chokeholds was so common in Los Angeles that it went before the Supreme Court. Between 1975 and 1983 at least 16 people died from the police use of chokeholds and 12 of them were black (SHAUN OSSEI-OWUSU,2). This show how that the officer can't uses chokehold because they are band and it illigal to uses it. This matter to us because we don't want any more death caused by officers , This is important for us  because this community that can prevent death.

Perhaps the officers  that killed Eric Garner should be held responsible because Is not right to kill innocent people, and assuming people that they are dangerous, officers should not be able to roam around to kill innocent people for no reason a piece from article said , One cop uses a chokehold that is not supposed to be used and slams Garner’s face into the ground. Garner says, I can’t breathe! Then he is silent. The police tell people to get away. Garner then died. There is no official cause of death(SHAUN OSSEI-OWUSU,2). This matter because the officer didn't gave a chance to eric to breath. This information is important and demonstrates how you can't trust a cop from eric garner perspective, would you  ever call a cop from reading this ,?Everyone needs to  realize that an officer won't let you give a chance to make a choose.

Despite ample evidence for why Officer should be held responsible for killing eric garner, some might say  Eric Garner was resisting arrest because it say,Garner had over 30 arrests. He’d been arrested for hurting people and stealing(Jim Meyers3)”,It doesn’t mean that the officer should choke him to death and not give him a second chance.If eric garner didn't die he could have change his life styles .   

Officer should not be killing innocent people for assuming that they are dangerous and there should be consequence. This issue is important because officer are someone that we inspired to be and if officer are killing more innocent people.Officers are to supposed to take care of us and if there are killing more people we wont be inspired  to be a cop or a officer. In order to change the world officer should just give the person a chance to explain what they did before arrest them.

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