Thursday, March 24, 2016


One day Eric Garner was just standing around and not putting anybody in danger, When the police officers walked up to him and they started accusing him of selling cigarettes without taxes. Then a police officer attacked him from behind, putting him in an illegal chokehold. Even after Eric was saying “I can't breathe”, the officers ignored him and continued with the illegal chokehold. Sadly we lost a life because of police brutality and this is a reason why officers should be held responsible because the officers who killed Eric Garner treated him in a way that was very brutal and unnecessary.

  Officers should be held responsible because the officer who threw a 16-year-old out of her chair, should be sentenced to jail. For example when the text by Scott and Valerie says,’’Who represents a 17-year-old who filmed a classmate being thrown from her chair by a school resource officer in October. "Now there is no doubt in anyone's mind about what happened," Mr. Rutherford said. The attorney for the officer, who was fired from his job with the local sheriff's department, said his actions were justified and lawful’’.(Scott & Valerie Bauerlein).
This explains that it he wasn’t charged with anything, but he was fired from his job as a school resources officer. This evidence support the claim Officers should be held responsible.

  Officers aren’t allowed to use chokeholds because they are Illegal and the officer who killed Eric Garner should be charged for using chokeholds which shouldn’t be Illegal now in the US. For example when the text said “As the video shows, the officer clearly caused the death of Eric Garner, who was alive until the officer put him in a chokehold, a move which is banned by the NYPD for good reason. And why did the police department ban chokeholds? The New York City Police Department has issued an order banning the use of chokeholds, the restraining maneuvers that cut off the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and have been blamed in the deaths of suspects here and around the nation.’’
This explains that the death of Eric Garner was caused by a police officer and it was unnecessary for the officer to do that to a innocent person.

  Officers should be able to use video because the officer who shot a 17-year-old immigrant twice             should be charged. For example, when the text said:
Salt Lake City police have refused to release officer's' body cam videos of the Saturday shooting of a 17-year-old immigrant now in critical condition, despite protesters' calls to reform police accountability.Abdi Mohamed was shot twice in the torso by police intervening in his fight with an older man, whom Mr.Mohamed and another person were attacking with metal rods. Mohamed, who Unified Police Lt. Lex Bell said is a gang member, is now being investigated for the attack.” This means that a police officer caused a shooting on a 17-year-old immigrant because the 17-year-old was a gang member and was in a fight with a man, using metal rods for weapon.

Some people might say that Black men are more likely to be violent. This argument is incorrect because not always are only black men are violent but it kind of seems racist to assume that black men are more likely to be violent. In conclusion to say that Black men are more likely to be violent is not true. Some people may also say that the reason why people get killed is probably because they were acting suspicious. This argument is incorrect because just because somebody is acting suspicious doesn't mean that they did anything wrong. They might be acting suspicious because their nervous or something. In conclusion to say that just because someone's acting suspicious doesn't mean anything.

Officers should be held responsible because the officers who killed Eric Garner treated him in a way that was very brutal and unnecessary. This is a text-to-world connection because it shows that police officers should be responsible for their actions and what they do. You should care about police brutality because police officers are killing innocent people. As innocent humans we shall stand to fight for our rights and stop police brutality. This means that if police officers are punished for their actions then there would be less innocent people being killed around the world.

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