Thursday, March 24, 2016

The government should stop spying us Caroline Orellana

 The government should stop spying us

    Would you have confidence while you're talking to someone while you know that the government is listening to your conversation? This happened to a married couple, they were nervous because they didn’t know what to tell each other so they choosey carefully there words. We couldn’t talk openly or naturally. We had to use code words and hints”(Dorfman 2). Privacy vs. security is an important topic because some people want some privacy but others want the security. I think privacy is more important because some people will have freedom to talk each other also because they would feel that they are not  treating like criminals.
    My first reason to this topic is that government is treating innocent people like criminals.The reasons why privacy is important is that people will be able to talk to their relatives with confidence. In a paragraph about stopping the NSA while we can, Rand Paul is  talking about how the government is spying on us and where they are spying from. “Americans do not like to think our government is evil, but since 2006, the NSA has been spying on us. They are treating American citizens like criminals. This does not sound like a country that is a model of freedom”(Paul 2). This shows how the government is causing harm to people by treating them as criminals.
    My  second reason why the government should stop spying us is that we should have freedom.In a article of Ran Paul  explains that this  country doesn’t look a model of freedom any more.For example, Ran Paul says, “but the U.S. government has started to attack our freedom and privacy. They are trying to make us scared. They hope this will make us forget how important it is to be free” (Paul 1). This anecdote shows how the NSA is attacking our privacy.This demonstrate that the government should stop spying us because we should have freedom. If the government keep spying on us the people will not feel safe and comfortable.
My third is is that government should protect our information .In the article of Charlie Savage  he  explains that the when government look in our stuff they don’t protect our information. For example in Charlie describes, “The Obama administration is on the verge of permitting the National Security Agency to share more of the private communications it intercepts with other American intelligence agencies without first applying any privacy protections to them, according to officials familiar with the deliberations” (Savage 2). This information demonstrate that they don’t protect our information. This is an important information because they are going to give us problem.
    While is clear that government should stop spying us, some people mind argue that the government should spy us because they can protect us from terrorism. However this  is a fallacious reason because the government did not prevent us from many terrorists such as the slaughter that occurred in San Bernardino. Just because they have the ability to see the personal thing from other people it doesn’t mean that they they can tell if someone wants to attack us for example the government doesn’t know when ISIS is gonna attack the USA. It’s clearly that the government have to stop spying us.

    In conclusion the government should stop spying us. This is important because we need freedom in our life because in the future people will not have confidence in knowing that the government is listening to their conversation, or they will have problems . I propose the government to stop spying us. If they spying us the people will we happy by knowing that they have freedom .

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