Friday, March 25, 2016

School(s) Should Give Consequences For Cyberbullying- Yaria Smith

A personal experience I’ve had with cyberbullying isn’t really deep to me because I didn’t take any offence to it but I was “Cyber Bullied” when I was in 6th grade by some random person calling me names and like stalking me. I didn’t really tell anyone about it because I just thought the whole situation was funny. Like the person wasn’t threatening me and telling me to kill myself but this person was like using a fake name texting me saying,“Oh you look nice today” and then would describe clothing I was wearing and then would like proceed to saying like how something I was wearing was ugly or something,but not only was this creepy person texting me s/he was also texting my friends. The whole situation was weird but funny until like this person started leaving like notes in our lockers saying like, “Hi” and “from Tina” and that’s when two of my friends got worried about this person and went and told a teacher. But even though we told the teacher there was nothing done about it and we never found out who the stalker was. My topic is about cyberbullying. I am writing/addressing this topic because this topic is very serious to me because I have friends has been cyberbullied and has thought about harming themselves.

The first argument on why cyber bullying needs to stop is because from a personal (stalkerish) experience I don’t like cyberbullying because my friends have also experienced it, and a couple of my friends have either thought about harming themselves or they just thought they weren't good enough because of it. Therefore, it needs to be dealt with and I feel that people who are going through things need to address it to their parents or to a teachers because majority of kids who cyberbully are either going through something or they just want to be mean. I feel that parents need to like check kids phones or something to figure out if they are involved in situations like that.   

Cyberbullying has been a problem for many years now and I feel that when kids first experience it they should automatically go and tell a teacher, parent, counselor and explain to them what’s going on.

However, some people who are involved in cyberbullying may think that it's fine to do what the are doing, that it's not hurting the victim as much as they think. And some parents might even say that there shouldn't be and consequences, even though their child could even be cyberbullying some innocent kid behind a screen. According to Daniel B.Wood he says, “But while some parents have complained that this practice is like the government spying into private lives, legal experts say the district is well within its rights to pursue the idea of monitoring social media accounts.”  

In conclusion Cyberbullying needs to be dealt with because lots of people in the world have comited suicide because of it, and everyone should be apart of fixing this problem because if you had a family member or friend who killed themselves because some rude person was telling your family member or friend that  they werent good enough to be in this world...what would u do if that person told you they couldn´t take life anymore what would u do? I advise you to go and tell your parents,teacher,aunt,uncle,or anyone who you know will take care of the situation.

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