Thursday, March 24, 2016

want the same gender in your school?

Single sex schools can be very helpful but co-ed schools don’t give them a chance because they don't  have many of them and the parents probably don’t really know about the single sex schools and if they, have heard of the school they probably know that it is a private school. What if their were really other schools that were single sex would you want to go there or send your child there? Single sex schools are distraction free and meanwhile the co ed school are everywhere in every city every state but there's never single sex schools in every city and every state but if there is a single sex school they are usually a private school and you have to pay and if there were public single sex school.      
If the city had single sex schools some of the students might feel more comfortable with the same sex in their surroundings and will not feel uncomfortable with the opposite sex in their school. If you actually have gone to a single sex school you might have some experience and might like to go to a school, like this person from an interview said ”My experience in the school with only my gender was actually really nice for me i got to get many friends there and are still friends now and i think i would want to send my child there someday when they are going to high school.

If all cities had single sex schools some of the students might feel more comfortable with the same sex in their surroundings and will not be distracted with by the opposite sex. Many schools have said that single sex schools help boys and girls not have distractions and make them more active in their learning. In the article “The many advantages of single sex schools” by CRC Health, it says “In 1995, during an experiment in Virginia, 100 eighth graders were separated just for math and science courses. Suddenly, the girls began to do better, become more confident and participate more often in class. An Australian study of 270,000 students found that both boys and girls did much higher on tests when they attended single-sex schools. ”That means in other states and counties have done tests with students and they have all had better education and they think that boys and girls do much better when they are separated. Separation helps lower distractions caused by the opposite sex and betters their education.

Single sex schools should be allowed but some people  might disagree and say that thir should be only co-ed schools because the students need to interact with the opposite gender.

Works Cited List
  Article:  the many advantages of single sex schools by CRC health

Interview :marianel varquez, person interview march 01 ,2016

Research Rubric
Before submitting your blog post, highlight in green the grade you think you deserve for each standard. Then complete the portfolio reflection on the following page. Click here to see the rubric you will be graded on for your Writing Benchmark. Use this to push yourself towards an A or B for each standard!
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish ideas and interact and collaborate with others.
Completed and published a fully readable blog post in both google docs and Blogger; Went above and beyond to enhance research and/or support peers
Completed and published a fully readable blog post in both google docs and Blogger
Completed and published a readable blog post in both google docs and Blogger, with some minor formatting errors and/or with teacher guidance
Completed and published a blog post in google docs and/or Blogger; errors in formatting made the post difficult to read
Gather relevant information from multiple sources
Pulled evidence from 4 teacher-provided sources and 2+ additional sources (or 1+ if researching an original topic)
Pulled evidence from 4 teacher-provided sources and 1 original source
Pulled evidence from 4 sources, or 5 sources with significant teacher support
Pulled evidence from 3 sources, or 4 sources with significant teacher support
W.8.8b - Sources (Quality)Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source
Found 2+ accurate and credible sources
Found 1 accurate and credible source
Found 1 accurate and credible source with significant teacher support
Found sources that were not accurate and credible
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
Provides ample and varied evidence to support the thesis (more than 1 piece of evidence per reason or includes additional reason)
Provides sufficient evidence to support the thesis (1 piece of evidence per reason)
Provides some but not enough evidence to support the thesis (Missing 1 reason or piece of evidence)
Provides insufficient evidence (Missing more than 1 piece of evidence or reason)
All evidence is relevant, accurate, clear and specific
Most evidence is relevant, accurate, clear and specific
Some evidence is relevant, accurate, clear and specific
Evidence is not relevant accurate, clear and/or specific
W.8.8c - In-Text Citations Quote or paraphrase others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for an in-text citation.
In-text citations contain no errors
In-text citations are generally correct, with few minor errors
In-text citations are generally correct, with several minor errors
In-text citations are incorrect or contain multiple errors that make it difficult to understand what is being cited
W.8.8d - Works Cited
Recognize sources by creating a Works Cited page
Works Cited page correctly cites all sources with proper formatting
Works Cited page cites all sources but contains small errors in formatting
Works Cited page contains several formatting errors or is missing a source
Works Cited page contains several formatting errors and not all sources are cited
Teacher Comments

Portfolio Reflection

What are the strengths of this piece of writing?  What do you like about what you have written?       
Optional Sentence Frames:     I really like how I _________________ because it __________________.
                       I am proud of ______________ because ______________________.
I really like how i wrote my paragraphs and it was orginized because im not really that orginized and i think i did pretty good on being orginized

What do you find challenging or exciting about writing in this genre?  What will you continue to work on in your writing in this genre?
Optional Sentence Frames: I find it challenging to _______________________ because ______________.
I will continue to work on ________________________ by ____________________.
I find it challenging to do the work cited because its really confusing and im not really good at work cited

Thinking of this process, what are you most proud of?
Optional Sentence Frames:      I am most proud of ______________.

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