Thursday, March 24, 2016


Co-ed schools or same sex schools?


I had just started 6th grade and it was the   first week as well. I met there's girls one girl who is now my best friend, her name is Johana Bonilla. But anyways she was the first person i met and the first friend i had. We became closer and closer and we always talked to each other in class. On the third day of school i met Kamiyah Calberto, in line as we waited for the bell to dismiss us. She was right behind me and she had said ¨Hey, what's your name?¨ i replied and said ¨Christina what's yours?¨ and then we continued talking to each other. Finally the bell rang and we were able to go, so i turned around and picked up my backpack suddenly i felt someone touch me… i was sooo uncomfortable, and i tried to tell a teacher but i didn't know who had done it and it was literally only the third day of 6th grade and i didn't want to cause any problems. So i told Johanna and she helped me with the situation. It stopped for a while until the first dance when the boy who had touched me told me and then asked me to the dance, and i rejected him. After that friday dance the touching began again…

but this time it was more than just one guy it was like 5 other guys. And at this point i was seriously creeped out, mad, disgusted and scared but then i made a new friend named Cathia Gallardo helped me tell a teacher. And yeah they were mad about it but it still didn't stop until 8th trade began. Now all those weird guys who touched me are super cool with me and they never did what they did again to me and they never did it to anyone else. So you should know not everything is forever which in this case is a good thing, but if you really are in a good school and you really feel like you are learning and getting good grades you shall always just keep pushing and avoid the drama and the things and people who may cause distractions and problems for you.

There are many largely populated schools both same sex and single sex but it’s not as smart to have to different genders learning extremly different things instead of learning together and learning from each other.
In the article called Washington Post by Greg Sargent he argues that separating both genders from each other is a bad idea and not as great for the students in general because they won’t be as engaged in class. Greg Sargent  also takes about how when teachers and schools decide to separate the genders the students aren’t going to be social with each other especially since they need to learn the same things in order to understand the majority of what is being taught or told to them.
While single-sex schooling does nothing unique to improve academic achievement, gender segregated classrooms are detrimental to children in several ways. “First, research in developmental psychology has clearly shown that teachers’ labeling and segregating of social groups increases children’s stereotyping and prejudice. Imagine the consequences of creating separate math classes for “Black Students” and “White students.” Even if enrollment were optional, the mere existence of such classes would lead to increased racial stereotyping and prejudice. As is true for race, classroom assignment based on gender teaches children that males and females have different types of intellects, and reinforces sexism in schools and the culture at large. Explains and argues about how separating both genders from each other can and will affect their learning and will also send a message that what the girls are learning are only for girls and what the boys are learning are only or boys. Therefore this is very relevant because in this generation their needs to be way more freedom and toward and for all genders. Separating boy genders gives students and children a bad mindset on what they are learning as separate groups instead of being all together with mixed genders learning listening and speak their mkd with each other without any stereotypes being includes. Being in a mixed sex school will give your children a better overview on the world and a better education.
Of course, there are going to be different opinion and different decisions but as i mentioned before single sex school and the fact that they separate the genders giving them not enough experience with each other.
In the article Washington Post by Greg Sargent. The author discuss the cause of separating the genders in single sex schools and the effects it makes. As he also said that in co-ed schools your child will have more opportunities. “Most importantly, single-sex schooling reduces boys’ and girls’ opportunities to learn from and about each other. Boys and girls must learn to work together, and the classroom is the ideal setting for such practice because it is both purposeful and supervised. Single sex schools will affect your child’s learning because they need to be hearing and learning from all genders no matter what. Learning from all genders will give them plenty more opportunities in the future. However single-sex schools do the exact opposite. If you send your child to a single sex school without thinking about the seperating the principal will be allowing or thinking about your child’s opportunities and freedom they’ll be missing out on and especially their future and facing the actual faces in the real world. Clearly you’re not thinking about your child’s future and their social life.

In this article by Greg Sargent  he argues that co-ed schools/ mixed sex school then your child will have a better future just based on the people and genders they are around and getting used to them. If your children were to go to a single sex school instead of a co-ed school, chances are they won’t have as many opportunities as other students who go to co-ed schools. According to Ms.Sandoval who is a kindergarten teacher and a daycare employee, a mother of my friend, she shares with me the time she realized how much single sex schools can affect children especially young teens. She talks about when she sent her daughter melody to a single sex school thinking it would be better for her to go to an all girls school because of the distractions male classmates would cause for her. Turns out she was wrong Melody was doing terrible in that school and she could not focus because if all the drama she had been brought into and all the bias things she had been taught in her one class. So in 7th grade Ms.Sandoval transferred melody to a co-ed school called hoover. After a few months “It was like she was a new person, both physically and mentally!!” And see now if co-ed schools can’t give your child a good education and plenty of good opportunities then what is  the point of sending them there.

Parents should obviously care about their child’s future. to do that not every parent believes co-ed schools are the best choice and the best in getting your child to a good future. Most co-ed schools can definitely get your child a better thought on what middle schools and high schools they  would like to go to, what college they might be interested in and even what they would like their correr  to be when they get older. Co-ed schools give children so many opportunities sports wise, education wise, leadership. According to rebecca bigler she says “Perhaps more importantly, the idea that “boys and girls learn differently” is unsupported by scientific evidence. Decades of research have failed to identify reliable differences in the way male and female brains process, store, or retrieve information. For example, the popular idea that “boys are visual learners” and “girls are auditory learners” is simply untrue. Learning is best accomplished when the delivery method matches the subject matter. It is the quality of teachers’ training, lessons, and classroom management practices — and not gender of their students — that determines how much learning occurs in their classrooms.” Single sex schools aren’t letting all genders cooperate with each other, rebecca is saying in a single sex school teachers are thinking all students tink the same although teachers aren’t letting them. This causes a lot of stereotypes and bias things they are being told in a way that is not as direct.
Co-ed schools should remain and parent should be able to have co-ed schools as their first choice. For the sake of their child’s opportunities and freedom they will even have a better education because of the learning being taught and all the different opinion and things  to say from the other genders. Also your child who be so much more ready to face the real world.
Everyone should care about this issue especially if you don’t know exactly  what school to put your child in, since there are many school choices and i’m sure every parents wants a good future for their children.
Overall co-ed school can get your child to a better education giving them a better future.

1 comment:

  1. you have some spelling mistakes, be careful
