Thursday, March 24, 2016

Shells for lives. By Brandon Martinez

Nicole Beverly felt burning pain from her bruises given by her husband. That same night she was forced by her husband to sit right next to him while he was threatening her life with his gun. She felt so scared that it felt like frozen water was covering her body stopping her from moving. She didn’t tell anyone about the abusement for months. Finally she had the courage to tell someone. ”I was so scared that I thought I was going to die by the barrel of that gun.” She filled out a restraining order and left with her child. Her husband still had the gun, ”Having a gun was an easier way for him to kill me” (Jeltsen 1). Since the beginning we’ve used guns in battle. How many lives did guns take away? I want to make guns illegal. Guns are a tool used to kill. People can get their hands on guns easily. A weapon store can give a gun to a criminal without even knowing,then that same criminal will take lives from that single gun. A gun can give a criminal an advantage if face with an officer of the law. Guns should be illegal because criminals can kill from a distance and get away with murder, most deaths are from suicides using guns, and guns have killed so many lives already.

A person is already capable of injuring people. If a gun gets in their hands that makes them extremely dangerous, the amount alives they can take with that gun is unimaginable. A gun is good for distance kills meaning a criminal can kill someone at a distance and run off and not get caught. Guns give the attacker have an advantage on the victim. A boy from Richmond California was shot by a man using a gun to kill him.He was my friend.”Police are searching for the gunman who shot and killed a 14-year-old boy Monday morning in Richmond, a police lieutenant said. Officers responded around 9:22 a.m. to a shooting picked up by the ShotSpotter gunshot detection system in the 3300 block of Ohio Avenue, Richmond police Lt. Andre Hill said. Responding officers found a teen suffering from multiple gunshot wounds to his upper torso. Medical responders were unable to stabilize the teen and he was pronounced dead at the scene, Hill said.
The victim was apparently found on the Richmond Greenway trail. Witnesses reported seeing a male suspect running from the scene, Hill said. Witnesses said they heard about seven gunshots” (Hazheer 1). This is an example of what a gun can do. This murderer who killed my friend probably killed from a distance and that is why he got away. In the text it said he fled from the scene. This goes back to what I said that these criminals can kill from a distance and why are dangerous. If every criminal had a gun I bet most people will get away with murder.This shows that this criminal killed this poor innocent child from a distance and ran away. This is important to get rid of guns so we can catch criminals and put them where they belong.
There is death all around us caused by guns. Deaths like suicides are ones that we want to stop. Most suicides have been done with guns during the past years. ”These figures refer to all gunfire-related deaths, not just homicides. In fact, homicides represent a minority of gun deaths. Suicides are the biggest share of deaths. In 2013, according to CDC data, 63 percent of gun-related deaths were from suicides, 33 percent were from homicides, and about 1 percent each were from accidents, legally caused deaths, and undetermined causes,”More Americans Killed By Guns Since 1968 Than In All Other Wars, Columnist Nicholas Kristof Writes
(Jacobson 1). This statistic shows that the majority of deaths were suicides. If we abolish the use of guns then we will save so many lives. This evidence shows that guns must be destroyed or the citizens can’t use them. Let’s get rid of the devil’s creation.
All wars had guns and were all used to kill people who had families. Guns have killed people in the past and is a weapon that has bad history. Why would you have a weapon that has a history of killing millions of people? ”So the statistic still holds up: There have been 1,516,863 gun-related deaths since 1968, compared to 1,396,733 total war deaths since the American Revolution.That’s 120,130 more gun deaths than war deaths. It’s about 9 percent more, or nearly four year's worth of gun deaths. And that’s using the biggest estimate of Civil War deaths, which is the war that saw the highest number of American war deaths,” How Many Shootings Will It Take For America To Control Its Guns?(Oremus 1). This evidence shows the amount of deaths in all the wars during the past years. You can see that a gun can have the killing power to kill a thousand men. Why would you have something so powerful and dangerous? This is why I want to destroy the gun or make so that we can’t purchase the weapon.
Having a gun does not make someone dangerous. This is true that a gun cannot make someone dangerous but this is irrelevant to what I am arguing about. There are criminals who want to hurt people and I want to make sure that guns don’t get in their hands.
The increase in guns have decrease the amount of homicides in America. “In fact, it’s complicated: The number of guns in America has increased by more than 50 percent since 1993, and in that same period the gun homicide rate in the United States has dropped by half,” (Kristof 1). This is true but most gun related deaths are suicides in America and we need to take away guns to make sure we can decrease the number of deaths. ”When Americans think about deaths from guns, we tend to focus on homicides. But the problem of gun suicide is inescapable: More than 60 percent of people in this country who die from guns die by suicide.” 1). Instead of keeping guns to be safe against criminals who have guns we should take guns out of the equation to keep everyone safe and have less suicides.

Guns put the public in danger and it should be illegal to have one.”Two 15-year-old girls died Friday in a shooting at a suburban Phoenix high school that initially caused panic among parents who could not reach their children but later emerged as a murder-suicide. Police announced that a suicide note was found at the shooting scene near the cafeteria area of Independence High School in Glendale. They said the girls each were shot once, were declared dead at the scene and a weapon was found near the bodies. "Information gathered by detectives reveal the two girls were very close friends, appeared to also be in a relationship," Glendale police spokeswoman Tracey Breeden said in a statement Friday afternoon.”(Billeaud and Davenport These girls took their own lives with guns. We could save them in time if we banned guns to the public. We have to protest against the government to make guns illegal. If we can make guns illegal we can save lives.

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