Thursday, March 24, 2016

Was It Really NYPD's Fault? - Andres Garcia

When, I encounter police officers in the street. They’re really extremely nice to me. Even when they’re in the police car or walking in the sidewalk. They're always nice to me for whatever the reason. They’re cool & awesome. When they're in their car & see me they wave at me & ask me if I'm good. I always say yes I´m good. And if they're like walking they always ask if i want a sticker i say, ¨No, thanks,¨ and they'll just leave. But mostly they are always nice to me. There was never a time when the police officers were rude or disrespectful towards me. They’re always, always respectful towards me. Apart from most stereotypes colored people have against police officers. They’re just doing their job.

One reason, why the police officers shouldn’t be held responsible is because the police officers were doing they’re job. Because an article published by the BBC talked about how the reasons why the victims of police brutality were killed. Either they resisted arrest or made wrong decisions. Like Trayvon Martin, he decided to put his hoodie on & started acting pretty suspicious. And Eric Garner was selling cigarettes without taxes. And was also resisting arrest. For example when the text said, ¨...Both Eric Garner and Michael Brown, theteenager shot dead by a police officer in Ferguson Missouri, ‘Had much in common, not the least of which was this: On the last day of their lives, they made bad decisions. Especially bad decisions. Each broke the law - petty offenses, to be sure, but sufficient to attract the attention of the police. And then - tragically, stupidly, fatally, inexplicably - each fought the law." (McManus, 1) This evidence supports my claim by explaining how Eric Garner was breaking the law & by his resisting arrest. And also by trying to struggle with police officers.

Another reason, why it was Eric Garner´s  fault for dying was because, Garner had health issues. An article published by the BBC talked about how Garner had health issues. For example when the text said,¨"You had a 350lb (158.8kg) person who was resisting arrest. The police were trying to bring him down as quickly as possible," New York Representative Peter King told the press. "If he had not had asthma and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died." Which explains that it was Eric Garner´s fault for his own death. Because of the fact he was obese, and had health issues. So I think it was his own fault for being obese. Because he decides what he wants to eat. We have no one else to blame, but himself. Obviously, he would’ve died of a heart attack or a respiratory failure. Which was what might’ve happened with Eric Garner.

My last reason is, that Eric Garner was responsible for his own death was because Garner was resisting arrest. When the cops were trying to handcuff Eric Garner. He only had one job. Which was to NOT resist the  arrest. But he failed & resisted arrest & gave around 7 cops a hard time to handcuff him. For example when the text said,¨Police were arresting Garner when, suddenly, he decided to resist. “This ends here,” he shouted, and he began struggling with the arresting officer.¨ This means Eric Garner decided to resist. And he knew what he was doing. He knew he was resisting arrest.  He knew he was struggling to make sure the police officers wouldn't arrest him. But overall it was his fault for resisting arrest & for struggling. This was to blame himself. No one else. He decided to resist his arrest. Especially since he was bigger than most of the police officers. He was probably stronger than 3 police officers. And then, that probably the reason he was trying to resist his arrest.

My counter argument is, that the officer who killed Eric Garner used a chokehold technique which was already banned. Eric Garner must've resisted arrest & the cops were doing they're job. Clearly, the police officers were doing their job by trying to arrest Eric Garner.

My other reason is that, police officers kill innocent unarmed lives. This is wrong because why would a cop just kill an unarmed civilian for no reason? Despite what other may say, I think that police officers are just doing their job.

My claim is, police officers shouldn’t be held responsible because, they were doing they’re job, Eric Garner had health issues, and because Garner was resisting arrest. This is a world issue because tons of people blame the police officers. But in reality Police Officers are here to help. Because just if 1 cop kills by accident. It doesn’t make them all the same. What I think is that people should be sure that police officers didn’t kill the person that was ‘killed’ but maybe it was either the officer’s fault or the ‘victim's’ fault. If, the officer did kill them on duty. They should get fired, & sentenced to certain years in Jail. That would help by making officers think twice. If, it was the victim's fault they should try not to resist the arrest. That would look better if both sides understand better that would help the society by being more understanding & helpful.

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